Instructions For Form 4720 - 2016 Page 14


Exception. Generally, section 4958
following persons will be considered
or $20,000. This tax is computed on
doesn't apply to any fixed payment
disqualified persons along with certain
each transaction.
made to a person under an initial
family members and 35% controlled
Part II. Enter in column (a) the names
contract. See Regulations section
entities associated with them:
of all disqualified persons who took part
53.4958-4(a)(3) for details.
in the excess benefit transactions. If
Donors of donor advised funds,
Special rule. The initial and additional
more than one disqualified person took
Investment advisors of sponsoring
taxes of this section don't apply if the
part in an excess benefit transaction,
organizations, and
transaction described in 1 under Excess
each is individually liable for the entire
Disqualified persons of a section
benefit transaction was pursuant to a
tax on the transaction. But the
509(a)(3) supporting organization for
written contract in effect on September
disqualified persons who are liable for
the organizations that organization
13, 1995, and at all times after that date
the tax may prorate the payment among
until the time that the transaction
themselves. Enter in column (c) the tax
to be paid by each disqualified person.
For certain supporting
However, if a written contract is
Carry the total amount in column (d)
organization transactions occurring
materially modified, it is treated as a
for each disqualified person to Part II-A,
after July 25, 2006. Substantial
new contract entered into as of the date
column (h).
contributors to supporting organizations
of the material modification. A material
will also be considered disqualified
Part III. Enter in column (a) the names
modification includes amending the
persons along with their family members
of all managers who knowingly took part
contract to extend its term or to increase
and 35% controlled entities.
in the excess benefit transactions listed
the compensation payable to a
in Part I. If more than one manager
Donor advised fund. See the
disqualified person.
knowingly took part in an excess benefit
Schedule K instructions for a definition
Disqualified person. For purposes of
transaction, each is individually liable for
of donor advised fund.
this Schedule I, a disqualified person
the entire tax in connection with the
Investment advisor. Investment
transaction. But the managers liable for
advisor means for any sponsoring
the tax may prorate the payment among
1. Any person (at any time during
organization, any person compensated
themselves. Enter in column (c) the tax
the 5-year period ending on the date of
by such organization (but not an
to be paid by each organization
the transaction) in a position to exercise
employee of such organization) for
substantial influence over the affairs of
managing the investment of, or
the organization,
Carry the total amount in column (d)
providing investment advice for assets
for each manager to Part II-A, column
2. A family member of an individual
maintained in donor advised funds
described in 1 above, and
maintained by such sponsoring
3. A 35% controlled entity of a
Schedule J—Taxes on
person described in 1 or 2 above.
Sponsoring organization. See the
Being a Party to Prohibited
Schedule K instructions for a definition
Family members. Family members
Tax Shelter Transactions
of sponsoring organization.
of a disqualified person described in 1
above include a disqualified person's
(Section 4965)
Substantial contributor. In
spouse, ancestors, children,
general, a substantial contributor means
grandchildren, great grandchildren, and
General Instructions
any person who contributed or
brothers and sisters (whether by whole-
bequeathed an aggregate of more than
or half-blood). It also includes the
$5,000 to the organization, if that
spouse of the children, grandchildren,
1. Complete Schedule J if you are
amount is more than 2% of the total
great grandchildren, brothers, or sisters
an entity described in section 501(c),
contributions and bequests received by
(whether by whole- or half-blood).
501(d), or 170(c) (other than the United
the organization before the end of the
States) or an Indian tribal government
tax year of the organization in which the
35% controlled entity. The term
(within the meaning of section 7701(a)
contribution or bequest is received by
35% controlled entity means:
(40)) and you received proceeds from or
the organization from such person. A
A corporation in which a disqualified
have net income attributable to a
substantial contributor includes the
person described in 1 or 2 above owns
prohibited tax shelter transaction
grantor of a trust.
more than 35% of the total combined
voting power,
Specific Instructions
2. Complete Schedule J if you are
A partnership in which such persons
an entity manager of such an entity who
own more than 35% of the profits
Part I. List each excess benefit
approved the entity as (or otherwise
interest, or
transaction in Part I, column (c). Enter
caused the entity to be) a party to a
A trust or estate in which such
the date of the transaction in column (b)
PTST at any time during the tax year
persons own more than 35% of the
and the amount of the excess benefit in
and who knew (or had reason to know)
beneficial interest.
column (d). Compute the tax on the
that the transaction is a PTST.
excess benefit for disqualified persons
In determining the holdings of a
and enter it in column (e). Compute any
business enterprise, any stock or other
See the following guidance and any
tax on the excess benefit for
interest owned directly or indirectly shall
future guidance for details.
organization managers and enter the
Notice 2006-65, 2006-31 I.R.B. 102;
amount in column (f).
Notice 2007-18, 2007-9 I.R.B. 608;
For donor advised funds, sponsor­
T.D. 9334, 2007-34 I.R.B. 382; and
For organization managers, the tax is
ing organizations, and certain sup­
the lesser of 10% of the excess benefit
T.D. 9492, 2010-33 I.R.B. 242.
porting organization transactions
occurring after August 17, 2006. The
Instructions for Form 4720 (2016)


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