Instructions For Form 4720 - 2016 Page 13


on the organization whose section
an excess benefit transaction (the
whole or in part by the revenues of the
501(c)(3) status is revoked because of
lookback period).
organization and violates the private
excess lobbying activities.
inurement prohibition rules (to the extent
Initial taxes. Excise taxes are imposed
provided in regulations).
Tax on organization managers. A tax
under section 4958 on each excess
of 5% of the lobbying expenditures is
benefit transaction. If a manager
Until final regulations are issued
also imposed on any manager who
receives an excess benefit from an
regarding the special rules for
willfully and without reasonable cause
excess benefit transaction, the manager
revenue sharing transactions
consented to the lobbying expenditures,
may be liable for the tax on disqualified
described in 2 above, these
knowing that they would likely result in
persons and the tax on the organization
transactions will only be subject to
the organization no longer qualifying
manager. See Abatement, earlier, for
section 4958 liability under the general
under section 501(c)(3).
information on abatement, refund, or
rule described in 1 above.
relief from this tax.
There is no limit on the amount of this
Supporting organization
tax that may be imposed against either
Tax on disqualified persons. The
transactions occurring after July 25,
the organization or its managers. Any
tax is 25% of the excess benefit and is
2006. For any supporting organization,
organization manager who agreed to
paid by any disqualified person who
as defined in section 509(a)(3), any
the expenditure must pay the tax.
improperly benefited from the excess
grant, loan, compensation, or other
benefit transaction.
Specific Instructions
similar payment provided to a
Tax on organization managers. If
substantial contributor (defined later),
Part I. Complete this part for all
tax is imposed on a disqualified person
family member, or 35% controlled entity
disqualifying lobbying expenditures.
for any excess benefit transaction, then
will be considered an excess benefit
Part II. Enter in column (a) the names
tax is also imposed on any manager
transaction. The amount of the excess
of all organization managers who took
who knowingly participated in the
benefit is the amount of such grant,
part in making disqualifying lobbying
excess benefit transaction. The tax is
loan, compensation, or other similar
expenditures listed in Part I. See Tax on
10% of the excess, not to exceed
payment. Also, any loan provided to a
organization managers, earlier.
disqualified person that isn't an
$20,000 for each transaction.
organization described in section 509(a)
If more than one organization
Additional tax on the disqualified
(1), (2), or (4) or a supported
manager is listed in column (a), each is
person. If the initial tax is imposed on
organization of the supporting
individually liable for the entire amount
an excess benefit transaction and the
organization exempt under section
of tax in connection with the
transaction isn't corrected within the
501(c)(4), (5), (6) and described in the
expenditure. However, the managers
taxable period, then any disqualified
last sentence of section 509(a) is
who are liable for the tax may prorate
person involved shall be liable for an
considered an excess benefit
payment among themselves. Enter in
additional tax equal to 200% of the
column (c) the tax each manager will
excess benefit.
Donor advised fund transactions
This additional tax is abated
Carry the total amount in column (d)
occurring after August 17, 2006. Any
(refunded if collected) if the excess
for each organization manager to Part
grant, loan, compensation, or other
benefit transaction is corrected within
II-A, column (g).
similar payment from any donor advised
the correction period (defined in
fund to a donor, donor advisor, family
Question B, under Specific Instructions
member, or 35% controlled entity is an
Schedule I—Initial Taxes
for Page 1, earlier).
excess benefit transaction. The amount
on Excess Benefit
Taxable period. Taxable period
of the excess benefit is the amount of
Transactions (Section
means the period beginning with the
such grant, loan, compensation, or
date on which the excess benefit
other similar payment.
transaction occurs and ending on the
Excess benefit. Excess benefit
earlier of:
General Instructions
means the excess of the economic
1. The date a notice of deficiency
benefit received from the applicable
Requirement. Complete Schedule I for
was mailed to the disqualified person for
organization over the consideration
any Excess benefit transaction in
the initial tax on the excess benefit
given (including services) by a
which an Applicable organization
transaction, or
disqualified person, except in the
provides an Excess benefit to a
2. The date on which the initial tax
immediately preceding special rules
Disqualified person. These terms are
on the excess benefit transaction for the
where the entire amount of the grant,
discussed below.
disqualified person is assessed.
loan, compensation, or other similar
Applicable organization. In
payment is considered the excess
general, an applicable organization is
Excess benefit transaction. An
any section 501(c)(3) (except a private
excess benefit transaction is any
However, an economic benefit won't
foundation), 501(c)(4), or 501(c)(29)
transaction in which:
be treated as compensation for services
1. An excess benefit is provided by
unless the applicable organization
the organization, directly or indirectly to,
Also, an applicable organization
clearly indicates its intent to treat the
or for the use of, any disqualified
includes any organization that was a
economic benefit (when paid) as
person, or
section 501(c)(3) (except a private
compensation for a disqualified person's
foundation), 501(c)(4), or 501(c)(29)
2. The amount of any economic
services. See Regulations section
organization at any time during a
benefit provided to, or for the use of, a
53.4958-4(c) for more information.
five-year period ending on the date of
disqualified person is determined in
Instructions for Form 4720 (2016)


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