Instructions For Form 4720 - 2016 Page 12


column (c) the tax each foundation
or foundation is 10% of the amount
persons who are specifically designated
manager will pay.
representatives of another such
organization or are members of the
Carry the total amount in column (d)
Initial tax on organization managers
government, officers or paid executive
for each foundation manager to Part
or foundation managers. An initial tax
staff members of such other
II-A, column (e).
of 2
% of the amount involved (up to
organization, and who, by aggregating
$5,000 of tax on any one expenditure) is
their votes, hold sufficient voting power
imposed on any manager who agrees to
Schedule F—Initial Taxes
to cause or prevent action on legislative
an expenditure, knowing that it is a
on Political Expenditures
activities by the first organization. See
political expenditure, unless the
section 4911(f) and Regulations section
(Section 4955)
agreement isn't willful and is due to
reasonable cause.
General Instructions
A nonelecting member of an affiliated
Any manager who agreed to the
group doesn’t file Form 4720.
expenditure must pay the tax.
Requirement. Complete Schedule F if
Electing members of an affiliated
you answered “Yes,” to question 5a(2)
Specific Instructions
group may file a group return or may file
and 5b of Form 990-PF, Part VII-B.
separately. An electing member of an
Complete Schedule F if you entered an
Part I. Complete this part for all political
affiliated group that files a separate
amount on line 2 of Schedule C (Form
return, should enter on line 1 the
990 or 990-EZ), Part 1-A. Complete
Part II. Enter in column (a) the names
amount from Schedule C (Form 990 or
Schedule F if you are otherwise a
of all managers who took part in making
990-EZ), Part II-A, column (a), line 1h.
section 501(c)(3) organization that
the political expenditures listed in Part I.
Enter on line 2 the amount from
made a political expenditure.
See Initial tax on organization managers
Schedule C (Form 990 or 990-EZ), Part
Political expenditures. These include
or foundation managers, earlier.
II-A, column (a), line 1i.
any amount paid or incurred by a
If more than one manager is listed in
An electing member of an affiliated
section 501(c)(3) organization that
column (a), each is individually liable for
group that is included in a group return,
participates or intervenes in (including
the entire amount of tax on the
should enter on line 1 its share of the
the publication or distribution of
expenditure. However, the managers
excess grass root lobbying
statements) any political campaign on
who are liable for the tax may prorate
expenditures of the affiliated group, and
behalf of, or in opposition to, any
payment among themselves. Enter in
on line 2 its share of the excess
candidate for public office. The tax is
column (c) the tax each manager will
lobbying expenditures of the affiliated
imposed even if the political expenditure
group. Take these amounts from the
gives rise to a revocation of the
schedule of excess lobbying
Carry the total amount in column (d)
organization's section 501(c)(3) status.
expenditures that must be attached to
for each manager to Part II-A, column
These taxes apply in the case of both
Schedule C (Form 990 or 990-EZ). See
public charities and private foundations.
the instructions for Schedule C (Form
When tax is imposed under this
990 or 990-EZ), Part II-A, for a
Schedule G—Tax on
provision in the case of a private
discussion of the lobbying provisions,
foundation, however, the expenditure in
Excess Lobbying
including how to figure the taxable
question won't be treated as a taxable
Expenditures (Section
expenditure under section 4945.
For an organization formed primarily
Schedule H—Taxes on
to promote the candidacy or prospective
Requirement. Schedule G must be
Disqualifying Lobbying
candidacy of an individual for public
completed by eligible section 501(c)(3)
Expenditures (Section
office (or that is effectively controlled by
organizations that elected to be subject
a candidate or prospective candidate
to the limitations on lobbying
and is used primarily for such
expenditures under section 501(h) and
purposes), amounts paid or incurred for
General Instructions
that made excess lobbying
any of the following purposes are
expenditures as defined in section
Requirement. Schedule H must be
deemed political expenditures:
completed by certain organizations
Remuneration to the candidate or
Except as noted below, follow the
whose section 501(c)(3) status is
prospective candidate for speeches or
line instructions on Schedule G.
revoked because of excess lobbying
other services;
Travel expenses of the individual;
Affiliated groups. Two or more
Expenses of conducting polls,
organizations are members of an
Exceptions. These taxes aren't
surveys, or other studies, or preparing
affiliated group of organizations for the
imposed on a private foundation (whose
papers or other material for use by the
purposes of section 4911 only if:
lobbying expenditures may be subject to
The governing instrument of one
the tax on taxable expenditures). These
Expenses of advertising, publicity,
organization requires it to be bound by
taxes also aren't imposed on any
and fundraising for such individual; and
decisions of the other organization on
organization for which a section 501(h)
Any other expense which has the
legislative issues; or
election was in effect at the time of the
primary effect of promoting public
The governing instrument of one
lobbying expenditures or that was not
recognition or otherwise primarily
organization requires it to be bound by
eligible to make a section 501(h)
accruing to the benefit of the individual.
decisions of the other organization on
legislative issues, or the governing
Initial tax on organization or founda­
Tax on organization. A tax of 5% of
board of one organization includes
tion. The initial tax on the organization
the lobbying expenditures is imposed
Instructions for Form 4720 (2016)


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