Instructions For Form 4720 - 2016 Page 11


required for each year or part of a year
supported organizations of such
Part II. Enter in column (a) the names
in the taxable period that applies to the
supporting organizations, and
of all foundation managers who took
investments that jeopardize the
part in making the investments listed in
b. Type III supporting organizations
foundation's charitable purpose.
Part I. See Initial taxes on foundation
(as described in section 4943(f)(5)(A))
Generally, the taxable period begins
managers, earlier.
that aren't functionally integrated with
with the date of the investment and
their supported organizations; or
If more than one foundation manager
ends with the date corrective action is
is listed in column (a), each is
5. For any purpose other than
completed, a notice of deficiency is
individually liable for the entire amount
religious, charitable, scientific, literary,
mailed, or the initial tax is assessed,
of tax in connection with the investment.
educational, or public purposes, or the
whichever comes first. Therefore, in
However, the foundation managers who
prevention of cruelty to children or
addition to investments made in 2016,
are liable for the tax may prorate
include all investments subject to tax
payment among themselves. Enter in
that were made before 2016 if those
Exceptions. Section 4945(d)(4)(B)
column (c) the tax each foundation
investments were not removed from
provides an exception to taxable
manager will pay.
jeopardy before 2016 and the initial tax
expenditures that applies to certain
Carry the total amount in column (d)
was not assessed before 2016.
grants to organizations when the
for each foundation manager to Part
granting foundation exercises
Taxable investments. An investment
II-A, column (d).
expenditure responsibility described in
to be taxed on this schedule is an
section 4945(h). Additional information
investment by a private foundation that
Schedule E—Initial Taxes
on special rules and exceptions to the
jeopardizes the carrying out of its
definition of taxable expenditures given
exempt purposes (for example, if it is
on Taxable Expenditures
above can be found at
determined that the foundation
(Section 4945)
managers, in making the investment,
didn't exercise ordinary business care
General Instructions
Initial tax on foundation. An initial tax
and prudence, under prevailing facts
of 20% is imposed on each taxable
Requirement. Complete Schedule E if
and circumstances, in providing for the
expenditure of the foundation.
you answered “Yes,” to Form 990-PF,
long- and short-term financial needs of
Initial tax on foundation managers.
Part VII-B, question 5b, or Form 5227,
the foundation to carry out its exempt
When a tax is imposed on a taxable
Part VI-B, question 79b. Complete Parts
purposes). See Regulations section
expenditure of the foundation, a tax of
I and II of Schedule E only for
53.4944-1(a)(2). An investment isn't
5% of the expenditure will be imposed
expenditures that are subject to tax.
taxed on this schedule if it is a
on any foundation manager who agreed
program-related investment; that is, one
Note. Also, see Schedule F, Initial
to the expenditure and who knew that it
whose primary purpose is one or more
Taxes on Political Expenditures.
was a taxable expenditure. Foundation
of those described in section 170(c)(2)
managers whose participation was not
(B) (religious, charitable, educational,
Taxable expenditures. With certain
willful and was due to reasonable cause
etc.). A significant purpose of such an
exceptions, this means any amount a
aren't liable for the tax. Any foundation
investment can't be the production of
private foundation pays or incurs:
manager who took part in the
income or the appreciation of property.
1. To carry on propaganda or
expenditure and is liable for the tax must
See section 4944(c) and Regulations
otherwise influence any legislation
pay the tax. The maximum total amount
section 53.4944-3.
of tax on all foundation managers for
Initial taxes on foundation. The initial
a. An attempt to influence general
any one taxable expenditure is $10,000.
tax is 10% of the amount invested for
public opinion or any segment of it, and
If more than one foundation manager is
each year or part of a year in the taxable
liable for tax on a taxable expenditure,
b. Communication with any member
all those foundation managers are
or employee of a legislative body, or
jointly and severally liable for the tax.
Initial taxes on foundation manag­
with any other government official or
ers. When a tax is imposed on an
employee who may take part in
Specific Instructions
investment that jeopardizes the
formulating legislation;
charitable purpose of the foundation,
Part I. Complete this part for all taxable
2. To influence the outcome of any
the tax will be 10% of the investment for
expenditures. Enter in column (f) the
specific public election, or to conduct,
each year or part of a year in the taxable
number designation from Form 990-PF,
directly or indirectly, any voter
period, up to $10,000 for any one
Part VII-B, question 5a, or Form 5227,
registration drive;
investment. It is imposed on all
Part VI-B, question 79a, that applies to
3. As a grant to an individual for
foundation managers who took part in
the act; for example, “5a(1).”
travel, study, or other purposes;
the act, knowing that it was such an act,
Part II. Enter in column (a) the names
4. As a grant to an organization not
except for foundation managers whose
of all foundation managers who agreed
described in section 509(a)(1), (2), or
participation was not willful and was due
to make the taxable expenditure. See
(3) or that isn't an exempt operating
to reasonable cause. Any foundation
Initial tax on foundation managers,
manager who took part in making the
foundation (as defined in section
earlier. If more than one foundation
investment must pay the tax.
4940(d)(2)). This includes grants to:
manager is listed in column (a), each is
a. Type I, Type II, and Type III
Specific Instructions
individually liable for the entire tax in
functionally integrated supporting
connection with the expenditure.
Part I. Complete this part for all taxable
organizations (as described in section
However, the foundation managers who
4942(g)(4)(B) and (C)) if a disqualified
are liable for the tax may prorate the
person of the foundation controls such
payment among themselves. Enter in
supporting organization or the
Instructions for Form 4720 (2016)


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