Sixty Day Notice To Quit Form

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YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that pursuant California Civil Code Section 1946, the
tenancy from month to month under which you hold the possession of the hereinafter
described premises is terminated SIXTY (60) days after service on you of this notice.
YOU ARE FURTHER REQUIRED to quit and deliver up the possession of the
hereinafter described premises to the Landlord/Agent who is authorized to receive
possession of the same on or before the expiration of said SIXTY (60) days period.
YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that it is the purpose and intent of this Notice to
terminate said tenancy at the expiration of said SIXTY (60) day period, and that if at the
expiration of said period you fail to quit said premises and deliver up possession of the
same, legal proceedings will be instituted for an unlawful detainer against you to recover
possession of said premises, to declare said lease or rental agreement forfeited and to
recover damages for the unlawful detention of said premises.
The premises are located at:
Date: __________________
"State law permits former tenants to reclaim abandoned personal property left at the former address of
the tenant, subject to certain conditions. You may or may not be able to reclaim property without
incurring additional costs, depending on the cost of storing the property and the length of time before it
is reclaimed. In general, these costs will be lower the sooner you contact your former landlord after
being notified that property belonging to you was left behind after you moved out."
This form was created by
the Law Firm of Dennis P. Block and Associates
(See Other Forms)
800 77-EVICT
Los Angeles (323) 938-2868 Inglewood (310) 673-2996 Encino (818) 986-3147
Long Beach (562) 434-5000 Pasadena (626) 790-2153 San Bernardino (909) 877-6565
Ventura (805) 653-7264 Orange (714) 634-8232
Fax (323) 938-6069 Fax (714) 634-3633
If you need assistance in filling out this form, please consult with an attorney


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