Hipaa Confidentiality Agreement Page 4


volunteer work, the Medical Reserve Corps Coordinator, or the Washoe County Health District’s
HIPAA Compliance Officer as soon as possible.
12. The Washoe County Health District may monitor each and every time its computer systems are
accessed. You understand that any action you take in these computer systems may be tagged with
your unique identifier as established in your user profile and such actions may be traced back to
13. You shall safeguard and shall not disclose to any person your computer password, access code, or
any authorization you have that allows you to access Washoe County Health District computer
systems. You shall be responsible for all activities undertaken using your password, access code,
and other authorization, and you shall be responsible for any misuse or wrongful disclosure of
Confidential Information resulting from the use of your password, access code, or other
authorization. You shall not utilize any other person’s computer password, access code, or any
other authentication to access any computer system.
14. If you have reason to believe the security of your computer password, access code, or any
authorization you have that allows you to access to the Washoe County Health District computer
systems has been compromised, you shall report such concerns to the person supervising your
volunteer work as soon as possible.
15. You shall respect the ownership of proprietary software. For example, you shall not make
authorized copies of any software for your own use, even if the software is not physically
protected against copying, nor shall you operate any non-licensed software on any computer
provided by the Washoe County Health District.
By signing this document, you certify that you have reviewed the foregoing Confidentiality Agreement,
have been provided the opportunity to ask questions concerning its terms, and understand the duties and
obligations it imposes on you. You hereby agree to the duties and obligations as stated in this
Confidentiality Agreement and understand that the Washoe County Health District will require strict
compliance to said duties and obligations. You understand this signed and dated document will become
part of your volunteer file.
Volunteer Signature
Please Print Name


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