Hipaa Confidentiality Agreement Page 3


6. Confidential Information shall be used and disclosed only to persons authorized to receive it, and
conditioned upon approval of a health district supervisor. Any question as to whether a person in
authorized to receive confidential information should be resolved by the Washoe County Health
District’s HIPAA Compliance Officer.
7. The Washoe County Health District is committed to protecting the privacy of those persons for
whom it provides services. To fulfill its commitment, the Washoe County Health District prohibits
members of its workforce from discussing any information relating to persons covered by the plan
except as necessary to perform their specific volunteer duties. You shall not discuss or disclose
protected health information to any person except as needed to perform your specific volunteer
duties. You shall not engage in casual conversations concerning the fact that a person is, or has
been, a patient of the Washoe County Health District or concerning any information relating to
such persons, e.g., diagnosis, procedures, outcome, payment.
8. If you have any questions concerning whether your volunteer duties permit you to use or disclose
certain Confidential Information in a particular manner, you shall bring the matter to the person
supervising your volunteer work, the Medical Reserve Corps Coordinator, or the Washoe County
Health District’s HIPAA Compliance Officer for direction. If you have any questions concerning
the application of a particular policy or procedure to a particular use or disclosure of Confidential
Information, you shall bring the matter to the person supervising your volunteer work, the Medical
Reserve Corps Coordinator, or the Washoe County Health District’s HIPAA Compliance Officer
for direction.
9. You shall appropriately safeguard Confidential Information so as to prevent any inappropriate use
or disclosure of such information. If you have reason to believe the confidentiality of information
may have been compromised, you shall report such concerns to the person supervising your
volunteer work, the Medical Reserve Corps Coordinator, or the Washoe County Health District’s
HIPAA Compliance Officer as soon as possible.
10. In performing your volunteer responsibilities, you shall not knowingly include or cause to be
included in any record or report a false, inaccurate, or misleading entry. Nor shall you make or
cause to be made any false, inaccurate, or misleading statement to any person. If you become
aware of false, inaccurate, or misleading information contained in any record or report, or a false,
inaccurate, or misleading statement, you shall report the matter to the person supervising your
volunteer work and cooperate in taking all steps necessary to correct the record, report, or
statement pursuant to Washoe County Health District policies and procedures.
11. You shall comply with Washoe County Health District policies and procedures concerning the
alteration, deletion, or destruction of Confidential Information in any form. If you have any
question concerning such policies and procedures, you shall bring the matter to the person
supervising your volunteer work for direction. If you have any reason to believe such policies and
procedures have been violated, you shall report such concerns to the person supervising your


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