Hipaa Confidentiality Agreement Page 2


3. Use – means, with respect to Confidential Information, accessing, reviewing, employing,
applying, utilizing, examining, or analyzing such information, or sharing or discussing such
information with other members of the Washoe County Health District or other health care entity’s
4. Disclose – means, with respect to confidential information, release, transfer, provision of, access
to, or divulging in any other manner such information to a person or entity who is not a member of
the Washoe County Health District’s workforce.
5. Health District’s Workforce – includes employees and other persons (i.e. Medical Reserve Corps
Volunteers) whose conduct, in the performance of work for the Washoe County Health District,
whether or not they are compensated by the Washoe County Health District for such services.
Independent contractors, doctors, dentists, and employers with which the Washoe County Health
District has entered into agreements are not part of its workforce.
6. Computer Systems – includes computer files, computer hard drives, local area network, wide
area network, mainframe, electronic mail, internet access, intranet access, electronic medical
records, and electronic order entry.
In performing your volunteer duties, you may receive or create Confidential Information. As a condition
of and in consideration of your receipt of Confidential Information, you agree to the following:
1. You have no right or ownership interest in any Confidential Information which you may receive.
The Washoe County Health District, may, at any time and for any reason, revoke your password,
access code, or any other authorization you have that allows you to receive Confidential
Information in any form.
2. Your obligations under this Agreement will continue after termination of your volunteer
relationship with the Medical Reserve Corps. You understand that your privileges hereunder are
subject to periodic review, revision, and if appropriate, renewal.
3. The use and disclosure of Confidential Information is governed by Federal and State Laws and
regulations as well as the Washoe County Health District’s policies and procedures. The purpose
of these specific requirements is to guarantee that Confidential Information remains confidential,
i.e. such information shall be used and disclosed only as necessary to accomplish the Washoe
County Health District’s mission. You shall be familiar with and adhere to all of these
requirements concerning Confidential Information.
4. You shall actively participate in educational opportunities made available to you concerning
proper safeguards for Confidential Information and uses and disclosures of Confidential
Information as part of your volunteer duties.
5. If you have any questions concerning whether certain information constitutes Confidential
Information, you shall bring the matter to the person supervising your volunteer work, the Medical
Reserve Corps Coordinator, or the Washoe County Health District’s HIPAA Compliance Officer
for direction.


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