Hipaa Confidentiality Agreement


Medical Reserve Corps Volunteer
HIPAA Confidentiality Agreement
The following information explains and governs your use and exposure to confidential health information
as a volunteer for the Medical Reserve Corps through the Washoe County Health District. The U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issues the Privacy Rule to implement the requirement
of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). If you have any questions
regarding this information you should consult the Medical Reserve Corps Program Coordinator or the
Washoe County Health District’s HIPAA Compliance Officer.
As used herein, the following terms and definitions apply:
1. Confidential Information: includes any information, regardless of the manner in which it is
communicated or maintained (e.g. oral, paper, electronic), received by the Washoe County Health
District, or any of their agents, that falls into one or more of the following categories:
a. Protected Health Information - Information relating to the past, present, or future
physical or mental health or condition of an individual; the provision of health care to an
individual; or the past, present, or future payment for the provision of health care to an
individual. Protected Health information includes demographic information, e.g. address,
telephone number, employer, date of birth, next of kin, identification numbers.
b. Personnel Information – Information relating to a person’s status as a member of the
Washoe County Health District’s workforce, including but not limited to compensation,
employment records, accommodations, performance reviews, and disciplinary actions.
c. Business Operations Information – Information relating to the Washoe County Health
District’s operations, including but not limited to financial and statistical records, strategic
plans, internal reports, memos, contacts, pricing, staffing levels, supplier information,
remote site information, communications, proprietary computer programs, source code and
proprietary technology.
d. Third Party Information – Information belonging to a third party utilized by the Washoe
County Health District for limited purposes pursuant to an agreement with the third party,
including but not limited to computer programs, client and vendor proprietary information,
source code and proprietary technology.
2. Receive, Receiving, or Receipt – means, with respect to Confidential Information, to come into
possession, custody, or control; to perceive; to create; to gain the ability to come into possession,
custody, or control; or to gain the ability to perceive Confidential Information in whatever form
(oral, visual, written, electronic or otherwise).


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