Vehicle Lease Agreement Page 3


19. The Lessee shall give notice in writing forthwith to Honda of any accident, damage, injury, to or loss
of the Vehicle and shall assist Honda with the completion of a claim application to recover any losses
20. IF any loss event shall occur in relation to the Vehicle in respect of which moneys shall be receivable
in pursuance of any policy of insurance in respect of the Vehicle the moneys so receivable shall be paid
to Honda and the Lessee shall pay to Honda the excess up to $2,000.
If in Honda’s opinion the said moneys are adequate to replace or repair the Vehicle the moneys shall
be applied accordingly and the Vehicle replaced or so repaired shall be deemed to be the Vehicle
the subject of this Agreement and the provisions of this Agreement shall apply as if such Vehicle had
been the subject of this Agreement on the date thereof. If in the opinion of Honda the moneys so
received or receivable shall not be adequate to replace or repair the Vehicle then this lease shall
terminate upon Honda notifying the Lessee of that opinion.
21. At the expiration or sooner determination of this Agreement the Lessee shall transfer and assign to
Honda or as it may direct, all licences, warrants, instruments and documents relating to the Vehicle AND
the Lessee hereby irrevocably appoints Honda and its directors for the time being jointly and each of
them severally to be the attorneys or attorney of the Lessee for the purpose of executing any transfer or
assignments or licences, warrants, instruments and documents as aforesaid and doing any act, matter
or thing relating to the vehicle only.
22. The Lessee acknowledges receipt of the Vehicle in first class working order and condition and
agrees that the Vehicle has been inspected by the Lessee prior to execution hereof and that the Lessee
relies solely on his own judgement in accepting possession of the Vehicle upon the terms of this
It is agreed that all conditions, warranties, representations and statements in relation to
the Vehicle whether express or implied and whether statutory or otherwise are herby excluded and that
no such conditions, warranties, representation or statements shall apply to this Agreement.
HONDA shall insure the Vehicle in the name of Honda with an insurance office to be nominated by
Honda. The Lessee will comply with and observe all the conditions of any such policy of insurance and
will not do or prevent or suffer to be done anything whereby any such policy of insurance may be
rendered void or voidable.
In the event of Insurance being void, the Lessee shall be liable for all costs and liability associated with
any incident.
23. In this Agreement any reference to the masculine gender shall be deemed to include a reference
to the feminine gender.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF these present have been executed the day and year first hereinbefore written.
SIGNED by the above named Lessee:
SIGNED for and on behalf of


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