Vehicle Lease Agreement Page 2


(e) Honda shall meet the cost of all registration, warrant, scheduled maintenance or general repair
whether covered by the terms of the standard warranty terms or not.
4. The Lessee shall use the Vehicle for the business of the lessor and shall not use the Vehicle for other
commercial purposes.
5. A charge of $250 +gst applies to any lost keys. Two keys are provided
6. The Lessee shall permit drivers listed in Schedule A to drive the and shall provide that at all times the
driver shall be the holder of a current and valid driver’s licence.
7. The Lessee shall not permit the Vehicle to be driven by any person under the age of 20 years and
shall provide that at all times any driver shall be the holder of a current and valid and Full driver’s
8. The Lessee shall not permit smoking in the vehicle and will ensure that no offensive smells permeate
the vehicle.
9. The Lessee shall at all times during the term at his own expense faithfully comply with all the
instructions and/or recommendations of the manufacturer of the Vehicle and it shall be the obligation
of the Lessee prior to or upon his acceptance of the Vehicle to acquaint himself with the details of all
such instructions and/or recommendations and if and when the Vehicle requires to be repaired or
brought to good condition (fair wear and tear excluded) the Lessee shall immediately thereupon notify
Honda and Honda shall have the option of effecting such repairs itself or nominating a repairer by
whom such repairs shall be effected.
10. The Lessee shall not do any act or thing whereby any third party shall be enabled to put forward any
claim of lien in respect of the Vehicle and the Lessee shall not have or be deemed to have any
authority to pledge Honda’s credit for any such repairs.
11. The Lessee shall not alter or modify the Vehicle or its appearance without the express written
consent of Honda, and shall not affix to or use in relation to the Vehicle any parts, accessories or extras
except those supplied and fitted by Honda.
12. The Lessee shall not remove any part, accessory or extra fitted to the Vehicle without the express
written consent of Honda.
13. The Lessee shall permit Honda or any other person authorised by it from time to time to inspect and
test the Vehicle and enter upon the premises where the vehicle may be with 48 hours.
14. The Lessee shall not sell or offer for sale, assign, mortgage, pledge, underlet, lend or otherwise deal
with or part with the possession or control of the Vehicle or any part thereof or any interest therein but
will keep the Vehicle in his possession and will not remove the same or any part thereof from New
Zealand without the previous consent in writing of Honda.
15. HONDA may assign or mortgage its interest hereunder.
16. The Lessee shall indemnify and save harmless Honda against all damages, loss or liabilities which
may arise in respect of the Vehicle or the use or operation thereof by the Lessee or any other party.
17. The Lessee will comply with all provisions of the Transport Act 1962 and all other laws and by-laws
relating to the use of motor vehicles and shall keep the Vehicle licensed and shall keep a warrant of
fitness subsisting in respect of the Vehicle and shall pay all taxes and fees payable in respect of the
operation or otherwise of the Vehicle other than those payable by Honda under this Agreement and in
the event of any licence or warrant relating to the Vehicle or the use of operation thereof being at any
time cancelled, restricted, endorsed, or varied in any way the Lessee shall forthwith notify Honda in
writing accordingly.
18. Any traffic infringements incurred with respect to the vehicle are the responsibility of the lessee.


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