Vehicle Lease Agreement


Vehicle Lease Agreement
BETWEEN HONDA NEW ZEALAND LIMITED of Auckland (“Honda” which expression shall include any
branch of Honda New Zealand Limited as the case may require)
1. HONDA will lease and the Lessee will take on lease, the motor vehicle described in the Schedule
hereto (“the Vehicle”).
The term of this Agreement shall be 3 years and will commence on the day of XX February 2012 and
terminate on XX February 2015.
In the event that the vehicle is not returned to Honda at the agreed destination on the due date, the
Lessee is liable for all reasonable costs and legal fees associated with the recovery of the vehicle
PROVIDED HOWEVER that this Agreement shall terminate before this event
(a) The Lessee shall give to Honda thirty (30) days notice in writing of his intention to terminate the
Agreement; No consideration will be given for early termination
(b) Honda shall give to the Lessee thirty (30) days notice in writing of its intention to terminate the
Agreement; or at any time at the request of Honda for any reason what so ever. No compensation will
be provided in this case.
(c) The Lessee shall be in breach of any of the obligations on his part herein contained and the Lessee
shall fail to remedy the same within seven (7) days of receiving notice to that effect from Honda.
2. The Lessee shall pay to Honda rental at the rate of $0.00 per month.
3. On the termination of this Agreement the Lessee shall be obliged to return the Vehicle to Honda in
the basic condition as it was at the commencement of this Agreement. (subject only to fair wear and
(a) The Lessee shall throughout the term hereof at it’s own expense maintain and keep the Vehicle
clean and in the same good order and condition as it was at the commencement of this Agreement
and will provide all general and preventative maintenance which may be required for the proper
operation and protection of the Vehicle and will pay for all petrol, lubrication and other operations and
running costs, other those covered in 3(e) and will comply with the provisions of any instruction manual
or car care booklet or the like relating to the vehicle at termination of the Agreement will deliver up the
Vehicle to Honda or as Honda shall direct in good order and condition and WITHOUT PREJUDICE to the
generality of the foregoing:-
(b) Any dents or scratches to the body or paintwork of the Vehicle (beyond reasonable wear and
tear) shall be repaired at the Lessee’s expense.
(c) No repair work shall be undertaken without written permission from Honda
(d) Torn, stained or scratched trim, carpets or internal paintwork shall be repaired at the Lessee’s


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