Limited Liability Company Operating Agreement Page 9


agreement,   contract,   agreement,   vote   of   members   or  
Advancement   of   Expenses.   All   expenses   including   legal   fees  
incurred   by   an   indemnified   person   in   defending   any  
proceeding   shall   be   paid   in   advance   of   the   proceedings  
conclusion.   Should   the   indemnified   Member   or   Officer  
ultimately  be  determined  to  not  be  entitled  to  indemnification,  
that  member  or  officer  agrees  to  immediately  repay  to  LLC  all  
funds   e xpended   b y   t he   L LC   o n   b ehalf   o f   t he   m ember   o r   O fficer.  
Effect   o f   A mendment.   N o   a mendment,   r epeal   o r   m odification   o f  
this   Article   shall   adversely   affect   any   rights   hereunder   with  
respect   to   any   action   or   omission   occurring   prior   to   the   date  
when   such   amendment,   repeal   or   modification   became  
Insurance.   With   a   majority   vote,   the   Members   may   decide   to  
purchase  and  maintain  insurance  for  the  LLC,  for  its  Members  
and  officers,  and/or  on  the  behalf  of  any  third  party  or  parties  
whom   the   members   might   determined   should   be   entitled   to  
such   i nsurance   c overage.  
XXX.   TERMINATION   OF   MEMBERSHIP.   A   Member’s   interest   in   the   LLC  
shall   c ease   u pon   t he   i ncidence   o f   o ne   o r   m ore   o f   t he   f ollowing   e vents:  
(a)   A   M ember   d ies  
(b)   A   Member   decides   to   give   notice   of   withdrawal   to   the   LLC   thirty  
days   (30)   in   advance   of   the   withdrawal   date.   There   is   no   breach   of  
Agreement   w hen   a   M ember   d ecides   t o   w ithdraw   i n   t his   f ashion.  
(c)   A   M ember   a ssigns   a ll   o f   h is/her   i nterest   t o   a   q ualified   t hird   p arty.  
(d)  There  is  an  entry  of  an  order  by  a  court  of  competent  jurisdiction  
adjudicating   the   Member   incompetent   to   manage   his/her   person   or  
his/her   e state.  
(e)   In   the   case   of   an   estate   that   is   a   Member,   the   distribution   by   the  
fiduciary   o f   t he   e state’s   e ntire   i nterest   i n   t he   L LC.  
(f)   I f   w ithin   o ne   h undred   t wenty   ( 120)   d ays   a fter   t he   c ommencement  
of   a ny   a ction   a gainst   a   M ember   s eeking   r eorganization,   r eadjustment,  
composition,   readjustment,   liquidation,   arrangement,   dissolution,   or  
similar   relief   under   any   statue,   law,   or   regulation,   the   action   has   not  


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