Limited Liability Company Operating Agreement Page 8


(b)   T o   t he   e xtent   t hat,   a t   l aw   o r   i n   e quity,   a   P rotected   P arty   h as   d uties  
(including   fiduciary   duties)   and   liabilities   relating   thereto   to   the   LLC  
or   to   any   other   Protected   Party,   a   Protected   Party   acting   under   this  
Agreement   shall   not   be   liable   to   the   LLC   or   to   any   other   Protected  
Party   f or   g ood   f aith   r eliance   o n:  
The   p rovisions   o f   t his   A greement;  
The   r ecords   o f   t he   L LC;   a nd/or  
Such   i nformation,   o pinions,   r eports   o r   s tatements   p resented   t o  
the   LLC   by   any   person   as   to   matters   the   Protected   Party  
reasonably   believes   are   within   such   other   person’s  
professional  or  expert  competence  and  who  has  been  selected  
with   r easonable   c are   b y   o r   o n   b ehalf   o f   t he   L LC.  
The   provisions   of   this   agreement,   to   the   extent   that   they  
restrict   t he   d uties   a nd   l iabilities   o f   a   P rotected   P arty   t o   t he   L LC  
or  to  any  other  Protected  Party  otherwise  existing  at  law  or  in  
equity,   are   agreed   by   the   parties   hereto   to   replace   such   other  
duties   a nd   l iabilities   o f   s uch   P rotected   P arty.  
Right   t o   I ndemnification.  
Any  person  who  is  or  was  a  member  or  officer  of  the  LLC  and  
who  is  or  may  be  a  party  to  any  civil  action  because  of  his/her  
participation   in   or   with   the   LLC,   and   who   acted   in   good   faith  
and   i n   a   m anner   w hich   h e/she   r easonably   b elieved   t o   b e   i n,   o r  
not   o pposed   t o,   t he   b est   i nterest   o f   t he   L LC   m ay   b e   i ndemnified  
and   h eld   h armless   b y   t he   L LC.  
Any  person  who  is  or  was  a  member  or  officer  of  the  LLC  and  
who   is   or   may   be   a   party   to   any   criminal   action   because   of  
his/her   p articipation   i n   o r   w ith   t he   L LC,   a nd   w ho   a cted   i n   g ood  
faith   and   had   reasonable   cause   to   believe   that   the   act   or  
omission   w as   l awful,   m ay   b e   i ndemnified   a nd   h eld   h armless   b y  
the   L LC.  
Non-­‐Exclusivity   of   Rights.   Members   and   Officers   of   the   LLC  
shall   adopt   and   enter   into   indemnification   agreements   for  
Members   and   officers.   The   right   to   indemnification   and  
payment   of   fees   and   expenses   conferred   in   this   section   shall  
not   be   exclusive   of   any   right   which   any   person   may   have   or  
hereafter   acquire   under   any   statute,   provision   of   this  


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