Limited Liability Company Operating Agreement Page 3


If   a t   a nytime   t he   r egistered   a gent   s hould   c hange,   a ll   m embers   a nd  
necessary   g overnment   a uthorities   s hall   b e   n otified.  
FISCAL   Y EAR.   T he   L LC’s   f iscal   a nd   t ax   y ear   s hall   e nd   _ __________________.  
DURATION.     The   L LC   w ill   c ommence   b usiness   a s   o f   t he   d ate   o f   f iling  
and   w ill   c ontinue   i n   p erpetuity.  
INITIAL   M EMBERS.  The   i nitial   M embers   o f   t he   L LC,   t heir   i nitial  
capital   c ontributions,   a nd   t heir   p ercentage   i nterest   i n   t he   L LC   a re   a s  
Interest   i n   L LC  
(If   a ny)  
ADDITIONAL   M EMBERS.   U pon   t he   c onsent   o f   a   m ajority   o f   t he  
Members   a nd   i n   c ompliance   w ith   t he   p rovisions   o f   t his   a greement,  
new   m embers   m ay   b e   a dmitted.  
MANAGEMENT.   The   Members   have   elected   to   manage   the   LLC   as  
follows   ( check   a s   a ppropriate):  
The   management   of   the   LLC   shall   be   vested   in   the   Members  
without  an  appointed  manager.  The  Members  shall  elect  officers  who  
shall   manage   the   company.   The   President   and   Secretary   may   act   for  
and   on   behalf   of   the   LLC   and   shall   have   the   power   and   authority   to  
bind  the  LLC  in  all  transactions  and  business  dealings  of  any  kind  as  
otherwise   p rovided   i n   t his   A greement.  


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