Limited Liability Company Operating Agreement Page 13


XLII.       AMENDMENT.   At   any   time   a   Member   may   wish   to   propose   a   new  
amendment   but   the   other   Members   can   waive   it.   The   Proposing  
Member  shall  submit  to  the  Members  any  such  proposed  amendment  
together   with   an   opinion   of   counsel   as   to   the   legality   of   such  
amendment   and   the   recommendation   of   the   Member   as   to   its  
adoption.  Once  the  majority  of  the  Member  approves  the  amendment  
it   s hall   b e   i n   e ffect.   T his   A greement   m ay   n ot   b e   a mended   n or   m ay   a ny  
rights   h ereunder   b e   w aived   e xcept   b y   a n   i nstrument   i n   w riting   s igned  
by   the   party   sought   to   be   charged   with   such   amendment   or   waiver,  
except   a s   o therwise   p rovided   i n   t his   A greement.  
XLIII.     COUNTERPARTS.  The  instrument  may  be  executed  in  any  number  of  
counterparts   e ach   o f   w hich   s hall   b e   c onsidered   a n   o riginal.  
XLIV.     PRONOUNS.   The   use   of   a   pronoun   shall   be   deemed   to   include  
singular,   plural,   individuals,   feminine,   masculine,   partnerships   or  
corporation   where   applicable   when   referencing   to   a   Member   or   a  
XLV.     FURTHER   ACTION.   Upon   the   request   by   the   LLC,   each   Member   has  
the   duty   and   shall   agree   to   perform   all   appropriate   and   necessary  
assignments   w ithin   t he   p rovisions   o f   t his   A greement.  
XLVI.     FACSIMILES.   For   purposes   of   this   Agreement,   any   copy,   facsimile,  
telecommunication   or   other   reliable   reproduction   of   a   writing,  
transmission   or   signature   may   be   substituted   or   used   in   lieu   of   the  
original   writing,   transmission   or   signature   for   any   and   all   purposes  
for   which   the   original   writing,   transmission   or   signature   could   be  
used,   provided   that   such   copy,   facsimile   telecommunication   or   other  
reproduction   shall   have   been   confirmed   received   by   the   sending  
XLVII.     S PECIFIC   PERFORMANCE:   All   Members   agree   that   it   would   be  
greatly  damaging  if  any  of  the  provisions  of  this  Agreement  were  not  
performed   to   meet   their   specific   performance   and   that   monetary  
damages  would  not  provide  an  adequate  remedy  in  such  event.  If  the  
provisions   b ecome   b reached,   t he   n on-­‐breaching   M embers   a re   e ntitled  
to   take   action   in   any   court   of   the   United   States   or   any   state   thereof  
having   s ubject   m atter   t o   t he   j urisdiction.  
XLVIII.   M ETHOD  OF  NOTICE.   A ll   w ritten   n otices   s hall   b e   s ent   t o   t he   a ddress  
of   t he   L LC   a t   i ts   p lace   o f   b usiness   o r   t o   t he   M ember   w ho   i s   s et   f orth   o n  
the   signature   page   of   this   Agreement.   All   notices   shall   be   effective  
when   r eceived   e ither   b y   h and   o r   r eceipt   o f   d elivery.  


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