Limited Liability Company Operating Agreement Page 12


triggering   the   options   shall   be   deemed   to   be   the   date   that   the   LLC  
receives   a ctual   n otice   o f   t he   d issociation   e vent.  
XXXV.   EFFECT   OF   DISSOCIATION.   When   a   Member   becomes   dissociated  
from   the   LLC   they   shall   not   be   entitled   to   receive   fair   value   of   their  
LLC   i nterest   s olely   b y   v irtue   o f   d issociation.   I f   t he   d issociated   M ember  
still   owns   interest   in   the   LLC,   they   shall   be   entitled   to   continue   to  
receive   such   profits   and   losses.   A   dissociated   Member   shall   receive  
similar   items   to   which   he   would   if   he/she   were   a   Member   but   shall  
not   b e   c onsidered   a   M ember   n or   h ave   a ny   r ights   o f   a   M ember.  
XXXVI.     T ERMINATION   O F   L LC.   O nly   u pon   t he   c onsent   o f   t he   m ajority   o f   t he  
Members   c an   t he   L LC   a nd   i t   a ffairs   b e   d issolved.  
XXXVII.   F INAL   D ISTRIBUTIONS.   Upon   the   ending   of   the   LLC,   the   assets  
must   be   distributed   as   follows:   (a)   to   the   LLC   creditors;   (b)   to  
Members   in   satisfaction   of   liabilities   for   distributions;   and   (c)   to  
Members   first   for   the   return   of   their   contributions   and   secondly  
respecting   their   LLC   interest,   in   the   proportions   in   which   the  
Members   s hare   i n   p rofits   a nd   l osses.  
XXXVIII.   R ECORDS   A ND   I NSPECTION.   T he   L LC   s hall   m aintain   a t   i ts   p lace   o f  
business   t he   A rticles   o f   O rganization,   a ny   a mendments   t hereto,   t his  
Agreement,   a nd   a ll   o ther   L LC   r ecords   r equired   t o   b e   k ept   b y   t he   A ct,  
and   t he   s ame   s hall   b e   s ubject   t o   i nspection   a nd   c opying   a t   t he  
reasonable   r equest,   a d   t he   e xpense,   o f   a ny   M ember.  
XXXIX.   R ECORDS   A ND   I NSPECTION.   T he   L LC   s hall   m aintain   a t   i ts   p lace   o f  
business   t he   A rticles   o f   O rganization,   a ny   a mendments   t hereto,   t his  
Agreement,   a nd   a ll   o ther   L LC   r ecords   r equired   t o   b e   k ept   b y   t he   A ct,  
and   t he   s ame   s hall   b e   s ubject   t o   i nspection   a nd   c opying   a t   t he  
reasonable   r equest,   a d   t he   e xpense,   o f   a ny   M ember.  
has   the   right   to   reasonably   demand   information   related   to   the  
Member’s   interest   as   a   Member   in   the   LLC   including:   (a)   Business  
information   and   the   financial   condition   of   the   LLC;   (b)   If   available,  
obtaining   copies   of   the   LLC’s   federal,   state,   and   local   income   tax  
returns   for   each   year.   (c)   Obtaining   information   in   regards   to   the  
affairs   o f   t he   L LC   a s   i s   j ust   a nd   r easonable.  
XLI.     APPLICABLE  LAW.   W ithin   t he   m eans   o f   t he   l aw,   t his   A greement   s hall  
be   constructed   in   accordance   with   and   governed   by   the   laws   of   the  
State   o f   _ _____________________________.  


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