Limited Liability Company Operating Agreement Page 11


at   t he   c losing   u nless   t he   t otal   p urchase   p rice   e xceeds   $ __________________  
in   w hich   t he   p urchase   p rice   s hall   b e   p aid   i n   _ ___________   ( ________)   e qual  
quarterly   installments   beginning   at   the   time   of   closing.   The  
installment   amounts   shall   be   computed   by   applying   the   following  
interest   factor   to   the   principle   amount:   interest   compounded  
quarterly   a t   t he   Q uarterly   F ederal   S hort-­‐Term   R ate   e xisting   a t   c losing  
under   the   Applicable   Federal   Rates   used   for   purposes   of   Internal  
Revenue   C ode   §   1   2 74(d),   o r   a ny   s uccessor   p rovision.  
If  the  LLC  decides  not  to  buy  the  offered  interest  of  the  selling  
Member,   the   other   Members   shall   have   the   right   to   buy   the   offered  
interest   at   a   set   price   on   a   pro-­‐rata   basis   based   on   the   Members’  
percentage  interests  at  that  time.    If  a  Member  decides  not  to  buy  up  
to   his/her   proportional   part,   the   other   Members   can   buy   the  
remaining   interest   on   the   same   pro   rata   basis.   Members   shall   have  
fifteen  days  (15)  from  the  date  the  LLC  gives  its  written  notice  to  the  
selling   Member   to   give   the   selling   Member   notice   in   writing   of   their  
intention  to  buy  all,  some,  or  none  of  the  offered  interest.  The  closing  
shall   o ccur   w ithin   s ixty   d ays   ( 60)   f rom   t he   d ate   t hat   t he   M embers   g ive  
written   n otice   o f   t heir   i ntention   t o   b uy.   T he   p urchase   p rice   f rom   e ach  
purchasing   m ember   s hall   b e   p aid   i n   c ash   a t   c losing.  
If   the   LLC   or   Members   choose   not   to   buy   the   offered   interest,  
the   selling   Member   has   the   right   to   assign   the   interest   to   a   non-­‐
The   selling   Member   must   come   to   a   close   within   ninety   days  
(90)  of  the  date  that  he/she  gave  notice  to  the  LLC.  If  the  interest  of  
the   s elling   M ember   d oes   n ot   c lose   w ithin   t hat   t ime,   h e/she   m ust   s tart  
the   s elling   p rocess   o ver.  
A   non-­‐member   purchaser   of   a   member’s   interest   cannot  
exercise   any   rights   of   a   member   unless   a   majority   of   the   non-­‐selling  
Members   consent   to   him   becoming   a   member.   The   non-­‐member  
purchaser   will   be   entitled,   however,   to   share   in   such   profits   and  
losses,   t o   r eceive   s uch   d istributions,     a llocations   o f   i ncome,   l oss,   p rofit,  
deduction,  credit  or  similar  items  to  which  the  selling  member  would  
be   e ntitled,   t o   t he   e xtent   o f   t he   i nterest   a ssigned,   a nd   w ill   b e   s ubject   t o  
calls   for   contributions   under   the   terms   of   this   Agreement.   The  
purchaser  shall  agree  to  be  subject  to  all  the  terms  of  this  Agreement  
as   i f   h e   w ere   a   M ember   b y   p urchasing   t he   s elling   m ember’s   i nterest.  
XXXIV.   D ISSOCIATION.   If   a   Member   of   the   LLC   becomes   dissociated,   the  
remaining  Members  shall  have  the  option  to  purchase  the  dissociated  
member’s   interest   at   the   Set   Price   in   the   same   fashion   as   stated   in  
Article   9 .   T he   s ale   w ill   b e   c arried   o ut   a s   i f   t he   d issociated   M ember   h ad  
notified   the   LLC   of   his/her   desire   to   sell   all   of   his/her   LLC   interest.  
The   date   the   LLC   received   the   notice   as   provided   in   Article   28  


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