Limited Liability Company Operating Agreement Page 10


been   d ismissed   a nd/or   h as   n ot   b een   c onsented   t o   b y   a   m ajority   o f   t he  
(g)   If   within   ninety   days   (90)   after   the   appointment,   without   a  
Member’s   c onsent   o r   a cquiescence,   o f   a   t rustee,   r eceiver,   o r   l iquidator  
of   the   Member   or   of   all   or   any   substantial   part   of   the   Member’s  
properties,   s aid   a ppointment   i s   n ot   v acated   o r   w ithin   n inety   d ays   ( 90)  
after   t he   e xpiration   o f   a ny   s tay,   t he   a ppointment   i s   n ot   v acated   a nd/or  
has   n ot   b een   c onsented   t o   b y   a   m ajority   o f   t he   m embers.  
(h)  A  Member,  without  the  consent  of  a  majority  of  the  Members:  (1)  
makes  an  assignment  for  the  benefit  of  creditors;  (2)  files  a  voluntary  
petition   i n   b ankruptcy;   ( 3)   i s   a djudicated   a   b ankrupt   o r   i nsolvent;   ( 4)  
files   a   petition   or   answer   seeking   for   himself   any   reorganization,  
arrangement,   composition,   readjustment,   liquidation,   dissolution,   or  
similar  relief  under  any  statute,  law  or  regulation;  (5)  files  an  answer  
or   other   pleading   admitting   or   failing   to   contest   the   material  
allegations   of   a   petition   filed   against   him   in   any   proceeding   of   the  
nature   described   in   this   paragraph;   (6)   seeks,   consents   to,   or  
acquiesces   in   the   appointment   of   a   trustee,   receiver,   or   liquidator   of  
the   M ember   o r   o f   a ll   o r   a ny   s ubstantial   p art   o f   h is   p roperties;   o r   ( 7)   i f  
any  creditor  permitted  by  law  to  do  so  should  commence  foreclosure  
or  take  any  other  action  to  seize  or  sell  any  Member’s  interest  in  the  
(i)   Any   of   the   events   provided   in   applicable   code   provisions   that   are  
not   i nconsistent   w ith   t he   d issociation   e vents   i dentified   a bove.  
XXXI.   ENCUMBRANCE.     With   majority   consent   from   the   Members,   a  
Member   c an   e ncumber   h is   L LC   i nterest   b y   a   s ecurity   i nterest   o r   o ther  
form   o f   c ollateral.  
XXXII.   LLC   INTEREST.  A  Member  has  no  interest  in  property  owned  by  the  
LLC.   T he   L LC   i nterest   i s   p ersonal   p roperty.  
XXXIII.   S ALE   OF   INTEREST.   A   Member   can   sell   his   LLC   interest   only   as  
(a)  If  a  Member  decides  to  sell  any  part  of  their  interest  he/she  must  
first   offer   their   interest   to   the   LLC.   The   LLC   shall   have   the   option   to  
buy  the  seller’s  interest  at  the  then  existing  Set  Price  as  stated  in  the  
Agreement.   The   LLC   shall   then   have   to   option   for   30   days   upon  
receiving   the   receipt   of   its   intention   to   buy   all,   a   portion,   or   none   of  
the   offered   interest   with   a   majority   vote.   Closing   on   the   sale   shall  
occur   within   60   days   (60)   from   the   date   that   the   LLC   gives   written  
notice  of  its  intention  to  buy.  The  purchase  price  shall  be  paid  in  cash  


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