3-Day Notice To Quit Nonpayment Of Rent Form

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____________________________________ and all other occupants
As our tenant at ____________________________ Apartments, our records reflect that you are
behind in rent payments. Our records indicate that you owe as follows:
You must pay the amount of $ __________________. If you do not pay the above amount or vacate
the apartment within three days of the date this notice is delivered to you or posted at the apartment,
we will take legal action against you for possession of the premises, court costs, delinquent and
future rent and other charges to which we may be entitled by law.
This notice is NOT to be considered a waiver of any rights of ____________________
Apartments to damages or future rent due under the lease. Only payment of the total amount
due or vacating the premises will avoid legal action for your removal from the apartment.
Payment must be in the form of a cashier’s check or money order.
The original of the above and foregoing Notice was served by me on this
__________ day of _____________________, __________ by:
_____ Delivering personally.
_____ Posting a copy on the front door.
_____ Leaving a copy with any person over the age of twelve (12) years residing on premises.
_____ U.S. Mail.
Authorized Agent
As required in the HUD Occupancy Handbook 4350.3 REV-1, all individuals with disabilities have the right to request reasonable
accommodations. Reasonable accommodations are changes, exceptions, or adjustments to a program, service, building, dwelling unit,
or workplace that will allow a qualified person with a disability to: participate fully in a program; take advantage of a service; live in a
dwelling; or perform a job. To show that a requested accommodation may be necessary, there must be an identifiable relationship, or
nexus, between the requested accommodation and the individual’s disability. A reasonable accommodations/modifications request
should to be brought to the attention of the property manager, so reasonable actions can be taken.


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