Summer Camp Medical Release Form
Basic Information
Child’s Full Name: ________________________________
Parent/Legal Guardian Name(s):
Home Phone Number:
Work Phone Number:
Cell Phone Number or Pager:
Emergency Contact Information: (MUST be completed)
Phone Number(s):
Medical Information: (MUST be completed)
Doctor/Clinic Name:
Phone Number:
Any allergies:
Any medications:
Is there any additional medical information we should know about your child?
I acknowledge that my child’s experience in the summer camp program at Endview
Plantation will be outdoors, often in direct sun with minimal shade, and around wooded
areas. I understand there is a chance of my child coming into contact with the following
hazards including (but not limited to): ticks, chiggers, poison ivy/oak, and bees. I further
acknowledge that the site and its staff are not responsible for any bug bites, sunburns or
possible illnesses that may result from my child participating in the outdoor activities.
My signature below authorizes the staff at Endview Plantation to request emergency
treatment for my child is the situation warrants and I am unable to be contacted.
Name of Parent/Guardian (printed)
Signature of Parent/Guardian