Dog Adoption Application Page 3


 Are you financially able and willing to provide annual checkups, vaccinations, and ANY
medical care necessary?________________________________________________________
 What will you do if your new dog doesn’t get along with your present pets?
 Have you ever adopted an animal from a rescue agency?
 Has your application ever been rejected?__________________________________________
 Why do you want to adopt a dog? _______________________________________________
 If a disciplinary or behavior problem arises, what steps will you take to work on
 Are you familiar with your local animal control laws? Yes___________No_____________
 Are you willing to sign legal pet adoption papers? Yes______________No______________
 Do you agree to permit a visit to your home/farm by appointment?___________________
By signing this form, I/we acknowledge that all information on this form is true and correct.
I/we understand that any misrepresentation of fact may result in Humane Society A.L.L.
refusing adoption privileges to me/us. If my/our request for adoption is approved and later
Humane Society A.L.L. discovers the above information is not true or correct, Humane Society
A.L.L reserves the right to remove the adopted dog from my home/farm.


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