Business Proposal Template Page 2


Risk assessment
A risk assessment will show that you have undertaken a methodical review of the risks that
may face your organisation over the life of the plan, have assessed the likelihood of them
happening and their impact, and have formed a plan for dealing with those events, should
they occur.
Project plan
You should include a timeline of key tasks and activities. You should also explain how you
will monitor and review your plan and who will be responsible for doing this.
Description of any proposed development.
Detailed breakdown of timings/costs for any proposed building works or refurbishment
proposals, and how this would be funded.
This would include:
Managing premises
Health and safety plan
Compliance with relevant legislation.
An indicative five year capital and revenue budget plan including all anticipated grant
Budget and
funding, identifying whether this had already been secured and any other income expected
cash flow
and sources of income. A cash flow projection needs to show the actual cash position of
your organisation for the current financial year and a projection for a further four years.
Clarify information on underlying assumptions and activity levels.


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