At Sundown (Bar) - Walter Donaldson Chord Chart


(BAR)-Walter Donaldson
4/4 1...2...1234
(4 beats each)
Sun-beams are gently fading,
are slowly fading,
the birds are waiting
To do their mating,
when even-tide is nigh
Moon-beams are descending,
the day is ending,
a happy ending
The sun is sinking,
below a western sky.
Every little breeze is sighing of love undying at sun - down
Every little bird is resting and feather-nesting at sun - down
Each little rosebud is sleeping, while shadows are creeping
In little cottage cozy the world seems rosy at sun - down
Where a loving smile will greet me and always meet me at sun - down
I seem to sigh, I'm in heaven, when night is falling and love is calling me home.


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