Current Report 8k Sec Page 5


(1) the date of the termination of the material defi nitive agreement, the identity of the parties to the agreement and a brief description
of any material relationship between the registrant or its affi liates and any of the parties other than in respect of the material defi nitive
(2) a brief description of the terms and conditions of the agreement that are material to the registrant;
(3) a brief description of the material circumstances surrounding the termination; and
(4) any material early termination penalties incurred by the registrant.
(b) For purposes of this Item 1.02, the term material defi nitive agreement shall have the same meaning as set forth in Item 1.01(b).
1. No disclosure is required solely by reason of this Item 1.02 during negotiations or discussions regarding termination of a material
defi nitive agreement unless and until the agreement has been terminated.
2. No disclosure is required solely by reason of this Item 1.02 if the registrant believes in good faith that the material defi nitive agreement
has not been terminated, unless the registrant has received a notice of termination pursuant to the terms of agreement.
3. With respect to asset-backed securities, as defi ned in Item 1101 of Regulation AB (17 CFR 229.1101), disclosure is required under this
Item 1.02 regarding the termination of a defi nitive agreement that is material to the asset-backed securities transaction (otherwise than by
expiration of the agreement on its stated termination date or as a result of all parties completing their obligations under such agreement),
even if the registrant is not a party to such agreement (e.g., a servicing agreement with a servicer contemplated by Item 1108(a)(3) of
Regulation AB (17 CFR 229.1108(a)(3)).
Item 1.03 Bankruptcy or Receivership.
(a) If a receiver, fi scal agent or similar offi cer has been appointed for a registrant or its parent, in a proceeding under the U.S.
Bankruptcy Code or in any other proceeding under state or federal law in which a court or governmental authority has assumed jurisdiction
over substantially all of the assets or business of the registrant or its parent, or if such jurisdiction has been assumed by leaving the existing
directors and offi cers in possession but subject to the supervision and orders of a court or governmental authority, disclose the following
(1) the name or other identifi cation of the proceeding;
(2) the identity of the court or governmental authority;
(3) the date that jurisdiction was assumed; and
(4) the identity of the receiver, fi scal agent or similar offi cer and the date of his or her appointment.
(b) If an order confi rming a plan of reorganization, arrangement or liquidation has been entered by a court or governmental authority
having supervision or jurisdiction over substantially all of the assets or business of the registrant or its parent, disclose the following;
(1) the identity of the court or governmental authority;
(2) the date that the order confi rming the plan was entered by the court or governmental authority;
(3) a summary of the material features of the plan and, pursuant to Item 9.01 (Financial Statements and Exhibits), a copy of the
plan as confi rmed;
(4) the number of shares or other units of the registrant or its parent issued and outstanding, the number reserved for future issuance
in respect of claims and interests fi led and allowed under the plan, and the aggregate total of such numbers; and
(5) information as to the assets and liabilities of the registrant or its parent as of the date that the order confi rming the plan was
entered, or a date as close thereto as practicable.
1. The information called for in paragraph (b)(5) of this Item 1.03 may be presented in the form in which it was furnished to the court
or governmental authority.
2. With respect to asset-backed securities, disclosure also is required under this Item 1.03 if the depositor (or servicer if the servicer


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