Current Report 8k Sec Page 20


(a) Loss of existing enhancement or support. If the depositor (or servicer if the servicer signs the report on Form 10-K (17 CFR 249.310)
of the issuing entity) becomes aware that any material enhancement or support specifi ed in Item 1114(a)(1) through (3) of Regulation
AB (17 CFR 229.1114(a)(1) through (3)) or Item 1115 of Regulation AB (17 CFR 229.1115) that was previously applicable regarding
one or more classes of the asset-backed securities has terminated other than by expiration of the contract on its stated termination date
or as a result of all parties completing their obligations under such agreement, then disclose:
(1) the date of the termination of the enhancement;
(2) the identity of the parties to the agreement relating to the enhancement or support;
(3) a brief description of the terms and conditions of the enhancement or support that are material to security holders;
(4) a brief description of the material circumstances surrounding the termination; and
(5) any material early termination penalties paid or to be paid out of the cash fl ows backing the asset-backed securities.
(b) Addition of new enhancement or support. If the depositor (or servicer if the servicer signs the report on Form 10-K (17 CFR 249.310)
of the issuing entity) becomes aware that any material enhancement specifi ed in Item 1114(a)(1) through (3) of Regulation AB (17 CFR
229.1114(a)(1) through (3)) or Item 1115 of Regulation AB (17 CFR 229.1115) has been added with respect to one or more classes of the
asset-backed securities, then provide the date of addition of the new enhancement or support and the disclosure required by Items 1114
or 1115 of Regulation AB, as applicable, with respect to such new enhancement or support.
(c) Material change to enhancement or support. If the depositor (or servicer if the servicer signs the report on Form 10-K (17 CFR
249.310) of the issuing entity) becomes aware that any existing material enhancement or support specifi ed in Item 1114(a)(1) through (3)
of Regulation AB or Item 1115 of Regulation AB with respect to one or more classes of the asset-backed securities has been materially
amended or modifi ed, disclose:
(1) the date on which the agreement or agreements relating to the enhancement or support was amended or modifi ed;
(2) the identity of the parties to the agreement or agreements relating to the amendment or modifi cation; and
(3) a brief description of the material terms and conditions of the amendment or modifi cation.
1. Disclosure is required under this Item whether or not the registrant is a party to any agreement regarding the enhancement or support
if the loss, addition or modifi cation of such enhancement or support materially affects, directly or indirectly, the asset-backed securities,
the pool assets or the cash fl ow underlying the asset-backed securities.
2. To the extent that any information called for by this Item regarding the enhancement or support is not determined or is unavailable
at the time of the required fi ling, the registrant shall include a statement to this effect in the fi ling and then must fi le an amendment to
its Form 8-K fi ling under this Item 6.03 containing such information within four business days after the information is determined or
becomes available.
3. The instructions to Items 1.01 and 1.02 of this Form apply to this Item.
4. Notwithstanding Items 1.01 and 1.02 of this Form, disclosure regarding changes to material enhancement or support is to be reported
under this Item 6.03 in lieu of those Items.
Item 6.04 Failure to Make a Required Distribution.
If a required distribution to holders of the asset-backed securities is not made as of the required distribution date under the transaction
documents, and such failure is material, identify the failure and state the nature of the failure to make the timely distribution.
Item 6.05 Securities Act Updating Disclosure.
Regarding an offering of asset-backed securities registered on Form SF-3 (17 CFR 239.45), if any material pool characteristic of the actual
asset pool at the time of issuance of the asset-backed securities differs by 5% or more (other than as a result of the pool assets converting
into cash in accordance with their terms) from the description of the asset pool in the prospectus fi led for the offering pursuant to Securities
Act Rule 424 (17 CFR 230.424), disclose the information required by Items 1111 and 1112 of Regulation AB (17 CFR 229.1111 and 17


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