Current Report 8k Sec Page 12


summarize the contents of the letter or communication.
(d) If the registrant’s board of directors, a committee of the board of directors or the offi cer or offi cers of the registrant authorized
to take such action if board action is not required, has taken defi nitive action to cause the listing of a class of its common equity to be
withdrawn from the national securities exchange, or terminated from the automated inter-dealer quotation system of a registered national
securities association, where such exchange or association maintains the principal listing for such class of securities, including by reason
of a transfer of the listing or quotation to another securities exchange or quotation system, describe the action taken and state the date of
the action.
1. The registrant is not required to disclose any information required by paragraph (a) of this Item 3.01 where the delisting is a result of
one of the following:
the entire class of the security has been called for redemption, maturity or retirement; appropriate notice thereof has been given;
if required by the terms of the securities, funds suffi cient for the payment of all such securities have been deposited with an
agency authorized to make such payments; and such funds have been made available to security holders;
the entire class of the security has been redeemed or paid at maturity or retirement;
the instruments representing the entire class of securities have come to evidence, by operation of law or otherwise, other securities
in substitution therefor and represent no other right, except, if true, the right to receive an immediate cash payment (the right of
dissenters to receive the appraised or fair value of their holdings shall not prevent the application of this provision); or
all rights pertaining to the entire class of the security have been extinguished; provided, however, that where such an event
occurs as the result of an order of a court or other governmental authority, the order shall be fi nal, all applicable appeal periods
shall have expired and no appeals shall be pending.
2. A registrant must provide the disclosure required by paragraph (a) or (b) of this Item 3.01, as applicable, regarding any failure to
satisfy a rule or standard for continued listing on the national securities exchange or national securities association (or a facility thereof)
that maintains the principal listing for any class of the registrant’s common equity (as defi ned in Exchange Act Rule 12b-2 (17 CFR
240.12b-2)) even if the registrant has the benefi t of a grace period or similar extension period during which it may cure the defi ciency
that triggers the disclosure requirement.
3. Notices or other communications subsequent to an initial notice sent to, or by, a registrant under Item 3.01(a), (b) or (c) that continue
to indicate that the registrant does not comply with the same rule or standard for continued listing that was the subject of the initial notice
are not required to be fi led, but may be fi led voluntarily.
4. Registrants whose securities are quoted exclusively (i.e., the securities are not otherwise listed on an exchange or association) on
automated inter-dealer quotation systems are not subject to this Item 3.01 and such registrants are thus not required to fi le a Form 8-K
pursuant to this Item 3.01 if the securities are no longer quoted on such quotation system. If a security is listed on an exchange or association
and is also quoted on an automated inter-dealer quotation system, the registrant is subject to the disclosure obligations of Item 3.01 if
any of the events specifi ed in Item 3.01 occur.
Item 3.02 Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities.
(a) If the registrant sells equity securities in a transaction that is not registered under the Securities Act, furnish the information
set forth in paragraphs (a) and (c) through (e) of Item 701 of Regulation S-K (17 CFR 229.701(a) and (c) through (e). For purposes of
determining the required fi ling date for the Form 8-K under this Item 3.02(a), the registrant has no obligation to disclose information under
this Item 3.02 until the registrant enters into an agreement enforceable against the registrant, whether or not subject to conditions, under
which the equity securities are to be sold. If there is no such agreement, the registrant must provide the disclosure within four business
days after the occurrence of the closing or settlement of the transaction or arrangement under which the equity securities are to be sold.
(b) No report need be fi led under this Item 3.02 if the equity securities sold, in the aggregate since its last report fi led under this
Item 3.02 or its last periodic report, whichever is more recent, constitute less than 1% of the number of shares outstanding of the class
of equity securities sold. In the case of a smaller reporting company, no report need be fi led if the equity securities sold, in the aggregate
since its last report fi led under this Item 3.02 or its last periodic report, whichever is more recent, constitute less than 5% of the number
of shares outstanding of the class of equity securities sold.
1. For purposes of this Item 3.02, “the number of shares outstanding” refers to the actual number of shares of equity securities of the class
outstanding and does not include outstanding securities convertible into or exchangeable for such equity securities.


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