Statutory Power Of Attorney For Finances And Property - Wisconsin Page 15


(d) Prepare, file, and maintain a claim of the
(b) Make a rollover, including a direct
principal for a benefit or assistance, financial or
trustee−to−trustee rollover, of benefits from one
otherwise, to which the principal may be entitled
retirement plan to another.
under a statute, rule, or regulation.
(c) Establish a retirement plan in the principal’s
(e) Initiate, participate in, submit to alternative
dispute resolution, settle, oppose, or propose or
(d) Make contributions to a retirement plan.
accept a compromise with respect to litigation
(e) Exercise investment powers available under a
concerning any benefit or assistance the principal
retirement plan.
may be entitled to receive under a statute, rule, or
(f) Borrow from, sell assets to, or purchase assets
from a retirement plan.
(f) Receive the financial proceeds of a claim
described in par. (d) and conserve, invest,
disburse, or use for a lawful purpose anything so
244.56 Taxes. Unless the power of attorney
otherwise provides, language in a power of attorney
granting general authority with respect to taxes
authorizes the agent to do all of the following:
244.55 Retirement plans. (1) In this section,
“retirement plan” means a plan or account created
(1) Prepare, sign, and file federal, state, local, and
by an employer, the principal, or another individual
foreign income, gift, payroll, property, Federal
to provide retirement benefits or deferred
Insurance Contributions Act, and other tax returns,
compensation of which the principal is a participant,
claims for refunds, requests for extension of time,
beneficiary, or owner, including the following plans
petitions regarding tax matters, and any other
or accounts:
tax−related documents, including receipts, offers,
waivers, consents, including consents and
(a) An individual retirement account under section
agreements under 2032A of the Internal Revenue
408 of the Internal Revenue Code.
Code, closing agreements, and any power of
(b) A Roth individual retirement account under
attorney required by the Internal Revenue Service
section 408A of the Internal Revenue Code.
or other taxing authority with respect to a tax year
(c) A deemed individual retirement account under
upon which the statute of limitations has not run
section 408 (q) of the Internal Revenue Code.
and the following 25 tax years.
(d) An annuity or mutual fund custodial account
(2) Pay taxes due, collect refunds, post bonds,
under section 403 (b) of the Internal Revenue
receive confidential information, and contest
deficiencies determined by the Internal Revenue
Service or other taxing authority.
(e) A pension, profit−sharing, stock bonus, or other
retirement plan qualified under section 401 (a) of
(3) Exercise any election available to the principal
the Internal Revenue Code.
under federal, state, local, or foreign tax law.
(f) A plan under section 457 (b) of the Internal
(4) Act for the principal in all tax matters for all
Revenue Code.
periods before the Internal Revenue Service, or
other taxing authority.
(g) A nonqualified deferred compensation plan
under section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code.
(2) Unless the power of attorney otherwise
provides, language in a power of attorney granting
general authority with respect to retirement plans
authorizes the agent to do all of the following:
(a) Select the form and timing of payments under a
retirement plan and withdraw benefits from a plan.
Page 7
Power of Attorney for Finances Appendix – Statutory Authority Definitions


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