Statutory Power Of Attorney For Finances And Property - Wisconsin Page 10


(5) Exercise voting rights with respect to stocks and
(3) Grant a security interest in tangible personal
bonds in person or by proxy, enter into voting
property or an interest in tangible personal property
trusts, and consent to limitations on the right to
as security to borrow money or pay, renew, or
extend the time of payment of a debt of the
principal or a debt guaranteed by the principal.
(6) Exercise in person or by proxy, or enforce by
litigation or otherwise, a right, power, privilege, or
(4) Release, assign, satisfy, or enforce by litigation
option the principal has or claims to have as the
or otherwise, a security interest, lien, or other claim
holder of stocks and bonds.
on behalf of the principal, with respect to tangible
personal property or an interest in tangible personal
(7) Initiate, participate in, submit to alternative
dispute resolution, settle, oppose, or propose or
accept a compromise with respect to litigation to
(5) Manage or conserve tangible personal property
which the principal is a party concerning stocks and
or an interest in tangible personal property on
behalf of the principal, including by doing any of the
(a) Insuring against liability or casualty or other
244.47 Commodities and options. Unless the
power of attorney otherwise provides, language in a
power of attorney granting general authority with
(b) Obtaining or regaining possession of or
respect to commodities and options authorizes the
protecting the property or interest, by litigation or
agent to do all of the following:
(1) Buy, sell, exchange, assign, settle, and exercise
(c) Paying, assessing, compromising, or contesting
commodity futures contracts and call or put options
taxes or assessments or applying for and receiving
on stocks or stock indexes traded on a regulated
refunds in connection with taxes or assessments.
option exchange.
(d) Moving the property from place to place.
(2) Establish, continue, modify, and terminate
(e) Storing the property for hire or under a
option accounts.
gratuitous bailment.
(f) Using and making repairs, alterations, or
244.48 Banks and other financial institutions.
improvements to the property.
Unless the power of attorney otherwise provides,
(6) Change the form of title of an interest in tangible
language in a power of attorney granting general
personal property.
authority with respect to banks and other financial
institutions authorizes the agent to do all of the
244.46 Stocks and bonds. Unless the power of
(1) Continue, modify, and terminate an account or
attorney otherwise provides, language in a power of
other banking arrangement made by or on behalf of
attorney granting general authority with respect to
the principal.
stocks and bonds authorizes the agent to do all of
the following:
(2) Establish, modify, and terminate an account or
other banking arrangement with a bank, trust
(1) Buy, sell, and exchange stocks and bonds.
company, savings and loan association, credit
(2) Establish, continue, modify, or terminate an
union, thrift company, brokerage firm, or other
account with respect to stocks and bonds.
financial institution selected by the agent.
(3) Pledge stocks and bonds as security to borrow,
(3) Contract for services available from a financial
pay, renew, or extend the time of payment of a debt
institution, including renting a safe deposit box or
of the principal.
space in a vault.
(4) Receive certificates and other evidences of
ownership with respect to stocks and bonds.
Page 2
Power of Attorney for Finances Appendix – Statutory Authority Definitions


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