Official Durable Power Of Attorney Form Page 4


operation of any business and engage, compensate and discharge business
managers, employees, agents, attorneys, accountants and consultants; and, in
general, exercise all powers with respect to business interests and operations
which the principal could if present and under no disability.
_______ (E) Banking and other financial institution transactions. To make,
receive, sign, endorse, execute, acknowledge, deliver and possess checks,
drafts, bills of exchange, letters of credit, notes, stock certificates, withdrawal
receipts and deposit instruments relating to accounts or deposits in, or
certificates of deposit of banks, savings and loans, credit unions, or other
institutions or associations. To pay all sums of money, at any time or times,
that may hereafter be owing by me upon any account, bill of exchange, check,
draft, purchase, contract, note, or trade acceptance made, executed,
endorsed, accepted, and delivered by me or for me in my name, by my Agent.
To borrow from time to time such sums of money as my Agent may deem
proper and execute promissory notes, security deeds or agreements, financing
statements, or other security instruments in such form as the lender may
request and renew said notes and security instruments from time to time in
whole or in part. To have free access at any time or times to any safe deposit
box or vault to which I might have access.
_______ (F) Business operating transactions. To conduct, engage in, and
otherwise transact the affairs of any and all lawful business ventures of
whatever nature or kind that I may now or hereafter be involved in.
_______ (G) Insurance and annuity transactions. To exercise or perform any
act, power, duty, right, or obligation, in regard to any contract of life,
accident, health, disability, liability, or other type of insurance or any
combination of insurance; and to procure new or additional contracts of
insurance for me and to designate the beneficiary of same; provided, however,
that my Agent cannot designate himself or herself as beneficiary of any such
insurance contracts.
_______ (H) Estate, trust, and other beneficiary transactions. To accept,
receipt for, exercise, release, reject, renounce, assign, disclaim, demand, sue
for, claim and recover any legacy, bequest, devise, gift or other property
interest or payment due or payable to or for the principal; assert any interest
in and exercise any power over any trust, estate or property subject to
fiduciary control; establish a revocable trust solely for the benefit of the
principal that terminates at the death of the principal and is then distributable
to the legal representative of the estate of the principal; and, in general,
exercise all powers with respect to estates and trusts which the principal could
exercise if present and under no disability; provided, however, that the Agent
may not make or change a will and may not revoke or amend a trust revocable
or amendable by the principal or require the trustee of any trust for the
benefit of the principal to pay income or principal to the Agent unless specific
authority to that end is given.
_______ (I) Claims and litigation. To commence, prosecute, discontinue, or
defend all actions or other legal proceedings touching my property, real or


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