Reading Log Template With Summary


For each section of the book read the teacher will assign a response, or you will
have a choice from the chart below. Your log should be set up as in the Cornell
Note format example HERE ↓ for each day. List new vocabulary words & pg. no.
Date ___________
____________________________________________ Response # ______
fr______ to______
New Vocabulary →
At the end of the week, write any questions / comments you have about the
reading, the author’s message, or the author’s writing style on the back of the log
Literal Comprehension
Interpretive Comprehension
Literary Response
describe, recall, main idea,
predict, infer, cause/effect,
character, setting, plot, theme,
sequence events
1. What kind of story (genre) is
9. The setting in today’s reading is
20. Describe the main character
important because…
21. Describe a supporting
2. What parts of the story could
10. Why do you think the
really happen?
character is acting the way he/she
22. Describe the setting(s)
3. Sequence the main events so
23. What is the story mostly about
far, in order.
11. What can you assume that is
4. What is the conflict (problem) in
not stated in the story?
24. How do you think the main
the story so far?
12. What do you think will happen
character feels about the conflict
5. List 3 events you think will lead
in the story?
to the climax of the story.
13. What is a good title for this
25. How does the main character
6. How is today’s conflict solved?
section? Why?
feel about the other characters?
7. Why is the author writing this
14. How would you handle today’s
26. If I were the main character in
today’s events I would…
8. Summarize today’s reading.
15. Compare or contrast 2 of the
27. Could you be friends with the
main character? Why or why not?
16. List 3 strong words the author
28. Does the main character or
used and explain their impact in
the story remind you of another
the story.
event, time, or book?
17. Write 3 cause – effect
29. If you were to add another
statements (John hurt his foot
character where would he/she fit
because he wasn’t careful.)
18. Write 2 facts and 2 opinions
30. Create your own literary
about today’s reading.
response to today’s reading.
19. What does the author do to
hold the reader’s interest?


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