Revocable Living Trust Agreement Template Page 16


to compromise, adjust, arbitrate, sue, institute, defend, abandon, settle or otherwise deal
with proceedings of any kind on behalf of or against the Trust or the trust estate as the
trustee shall in his sole and absolute discretion deem fit;
The clause has been deleted from this section for the sample review.
The clause has been deleted from this section for the sample review.
to vote any stock, shares, bonds, securities or any other voting rights held by the Trust or
attributable to the trust estate; and to delegate such voting power in such manner as the
trustee may deem fit having regard to any legal requirements;
The clause has been deleted from this section for the sample review.
to engage in business with the trust estate property as sole proprietor, or as a general or
limited partner, with all the powers customarily exercised by an individual so engaged in
business, and to hold an undivided interest in any property as tenant in common or as
tenant in partnership, to the extent permitted by law; and to enter into such agreements and
contracts as the trustee may deem necessary to regulate such businesses;
The clause has been deleted from this section for the sample review.
The clause has been deleted from this section for the sample review.
The clause has been deleted from this section for the sample review.
(xvi) to undertake such further acts as are incidental to any of the foregoing or are reasonably
required to carry out the tenor, purpose and intent of the Trust.
The powers granted to the trustee above may be exercised in whole or in part, from time to time,
and shall be deemed to be supplementary to and not exclusive of the general powers of trustees
pursuant to law, and shall include all powers necessary to carry them into effect.
No powers enumerated or accorded to trustee generally pursuant to law shall be construed to
enable the grantor, or the trustee or any of them, or any other person, to sell, purchase,
exchange, or otherwise deal with or dispose of all or any part of the corpus or income of the trusts
for less than an adequate consideration in money or moneys worth, or to enable the grantor to


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