Come Monday (Bar) - Jimmy Buffett Chord Chart


(BAR)-Jimmy Buffett
4/4 1....2...1234
Headin' up to San Francisco
for the Labor Day weekend show.
Yes, it's
been quite a summer.
Rent-a -cars and west bound trains.
I've got my hushpuppies on, I guess I never was meant for glitter rock and roll.
And now you're off on vacation,
something you
tried to explain.
And, Honey
I didn't know
that I'd be missing you so.
And, Darling it's I love you so,
that's the reason I just let you go.
Come Monday it'll be all right. Come Monday I'll be holding you tight.
1. I spent four lonely days in a brown L.A. haze and I just want you back by my side (2nd verse)
2. I spent four lonely days in a brown L.A. haze and I just want you back by my side


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