Sample Letter/template For Requesting Employer Support And Financial Sponsorship Page 3


continue to do so. There is also an optional global academic travel experience to China that would expose me to
international business through visits to multinational corporations, local enterprises, government agencies, exchange
program partner schools, and others events in region.
COMPANY Benefit: COMPANY’s future is in global collaboration and opportunities. A broader
perspective will help me lead international teams within our organization as well as build relationships with
international companies with which we do business.
Time Commitment
If admitted, I will be required to submit a letter of support stating that I am enrolling in the program and I have been
given time off to participate in all mandatory class sessions. (A sample support letter attached). The program meets
on alternate weekends, or about two Fridays per month, plus a full week at the beginning and two full weeks near
the end of the 19-month program. If COMPANY prefers, I can use vacation days for the weeklong residencies
and/or Friday classes.
I have considered how an MBA would impact my work performance and will plan around the dates I’m out of the
office, which I can provide to you. I feel confident that I can manage all my client and work obligations and
understand that my expected performance level and quotas will remain at the same level. I believe now is the perfect
time for me to take on this challenge. While at COMPANY, I have strengthened my time management skills and
become more efficient at balancing multiple projects.
Employment Guarantees
I understand that sponsorship from COMPANY is not an obligation. Therefore, in appreciation for your support and
sponsorship, COMPANY can expect that I will not seek other employment during and for predetermined time after
my MBA. I also understand that any sponsorship commitments will cease if my employment is terminated for any
reason. If COMPANY provides some level of financial support for the program, I am entirely willing to formalize a
commitment to pay back any tuition.
I appreciate your consideration in sponsoring time off and any tuition costs. Going back to school, while working,
represents a considerable sacrifice of personal time and finances on my part. At this point, I want go forward
because the program and degree will make me better at what I do. My commitment to COMPANY remains steadfast
and I feel that Duke’s dynamic learning environment will allow me to grow as a professional while at the same time
add immediate value to COMPANY.
Best regards,
Additional suggestions and information:
Quantify the amount of business for which you’re responsible to help support the argument of why you need the
tools to better manage and grow that business responsibly.
Offer to connect your company’s decision maker/s on sponsorship with one of our Directors of Admissions if they
have questions.


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