North Carolina Rental Application Page 4

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Please   i ndicate   t o   t he   s howing   a gent,   A ND   o n   t his   f orm,  ANY   i tems   t hat   y ou   n eed   t o   b e   a ddressed   w ith   y our  
application   ( such   a s   c leaning   o f   t he   h ome   b efore   y ou   m ove   i n,   p ainting   y ou   w ant   t o   d o   o r   h ave   d one,   a bility   t o   a dd   a  
basketball   g oal   e tc.)   A NY   i tem   t hat   y ou   c onsider   " important":  
All   u tilities   a re   t he   r esponsibility   o f   t he   t enant   u nless   o therwise   s pecified.   U tility   s ervice   i n   y our   n ame   f or   t he   r ental  
unit   m ust   c ommence   n o   l ater   t han   y our   l ease   s tart   d ate.  
Pets   m ay   b e   p ermitted   o n   a   c onditional   b asis.   P ets   m ay   b e   c onsidered   c ase   b y   c ase   w ith   t he   o wner's   a pproval.   T here  
may   b e   a   n on-­‐refundable   p et   f ee   a nd/or   d eposit   r equired   f or   a ny   p et(s)   p ermitted   a nd   t he   c arpets   a re   t o   b e  
professionally   c leaned   a nd   d eodorized   a t   t he   e nd   o f   t he   l ease   t erm   o r   u pon   m ove   o ut.  
All   r ental   m onies,   i ncluding   p et   d eposits/fees   m ust   b e   p aid   o n   o r   b efore   t he   s tart   d ate   o f   t he   l ease,   r egardless   o f  
whether   y ou   t ake   p ossession   a t   t hat   t ime.  
All   o ther   t erms   o f   t he   N orth   C arolina   R ental   A greement   a pply,   i ncluding   t hat   t he   t enant   i s   l iable   f or   t he   f ull   r ental   t erm  
specified   i n   t he   l ease.   I f   t he   t enant   b reaches   t he   c ontract,   t he   t enant   i s   l iable   f or:   1 )   A ny   u npaid   r ents   a nd   a ny   f uture  
lost   r ental   m onies   d ue   t o   v acancy;   2 )   A ny   f ees   i ncurred   b y   t he   o wner   t o   r e-­‐let   t he   p roperty,   i ncluding   a ny   f ees   t o  
agencies   u sed   f or   a ssistance   i n   r e-­‐letting   t he   p roperty;   a nd   3 )   A ny   c osts   n ecessary   t o   c lean/repair   t he   p roperty   t o   i t's  
original   c ondition.  
The   N orth   C arolina   R ental   A greement   r equires   t hat   t enants   m aintain   r enter's   i nsurance.   P roof   o f   i nsurance   m ay   b e  
required   b y   t he   o wner.  
The   t enant   i s   n ot   p ermitted   t o   a ssign   t he   l ease   t o   a nother   p arty   o r   s ublet   t he   p roperty   i n   w hole   o r   i n   p art.  
______________________   a bides   b y   t he   F air   H ousing   L aws   o f   t he   S tate   o f   N orth   C arolina.    
It   i s   u nderstood   t hat   _ __________________________   i s   t he   a gent   o f   t he   o wner.   I f   y ou   w ould   l ike   a dditional  
information   a bout   t his   r epresentation;   p lease   c ontact   o ur   o ffice.  
I   h ave   r ead   a nd   u nderstand   t he   p rovisions   s tated   a bove.  
Applicant's   S ignature  
Co-­‐Applicant's   S ignature  


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