Cabaret Chord Chart Page 2


p.2. Cabaret
The day she died the neighbors came to snicker:
"Well, that's what comes from too much pills and liquor."
But when I saw her laid out like a queen,
she was the happiest corpse I'd ever seen.
I think of Elsie to this very day. I re-member how she'd turn to me and say:
"What good is sitting all a-lone in you room? Come hear the music play.
Life is a caba - ret, old chum, come to the caba -ret."
And as for me, and as for me, I made my mind up, back in Chelsea,
When I go, I'm going like Elsie.
Start by ad-mitting, from cradle to tomb, it isn't that long a stay.
Life is a caba - ret, old chum, it's only a caba - ret, old chum
And I love......a caba - ret.


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