Bond With Collateral For Temporary Restraining Order Or Preliminary Injunction - United States Court Of Federal Claims Page 2

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that the damages may be ascertained in such manner as the court shall direct and that, on dissolving the
injunction, the court may give judgment thereon against the plaintiff for said damages in the order dissolving
the injunction, or in a further order after ascertainment of the amount of said damages.
The above-named plaintiff(s) as security for the Bond hereby deposits with the clerk of said court, the
sum of $_____________ (either cash or certified check made payable to the U.S. Treasury), which sum may
be utilized in payment of any damages which by court order may be levied against the plaintiff in this action.
DATED:_______________, 20__
By: _______________________________[SEAL]
APPROVED: ______________________, 20__
______________________, Clerk, United States Court of Federal Claims
Marketable public securities of the United States payable to the bearer may also be utilized as
collateral, but the Bond must be accompanied by the appropriate power of attorney.


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