Melville Heights Parental / Guardian Consent Form
In order for you child/teen to become a volunteer with Melville Heights Retirement
Residence we need your consent and involvement in helping him/her to have a
successful experience. Please read and sign this parental consent form in order for us
to continue processing your child/teen's volunteer application.
Note: Parental Consent Form must be filled out for all volunteers under the age of 18
Name of Youth Volunteer _______________________________________________
I understand that my child (above name) wishes to be considered for volunteer work
and I hereby give permission for him/her to serve in that capacity, if accepted by the
agency. I understand that he/she will be provided with orientation and training
necessary for the safe and responsible performance of his/her duties and that he/she
will be expected to meet all the requirements of the position, including regular
attendance and adherence to agency policies and procedures.
Name of Parent / Guardian (please print) ___________________________________
Parent / Guardian Signature _____________________________________________
Volunteer Signature ____________________________________________________
Date ________________________________________________________________