Irs Complaint Form Page 3


10. Do you have any other information that you think is relevant to our investigation of
your allegations?
11. What remedy are you seeking for the alleged discrimination?
Please sign and date the Complaint Form below.
We will also need your consent to disclose your name, if necessary, in the course of the
investigation. Please sign the attached Consent Form and mail both the completed
Complaint Form and Consent Form, to the following address:
Operations Director, Civil Rights Division
Internal Revenue Service
1111 Constitution
Avenue, NW Room 2413
Washington, DC 20224
How did you learn about the IRS Civil Rights Division?
IRS Website/Internet Search
Religious/Community Org
Lawyer/Legal Organization
Fed/State/Local Gov
Healthcare Provider/Health Plan
Conference/OCR Brochure
The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.) requires us to inform you that the
requested information is being collected to ensure that we receive all the information that is needed to
process your complaint upon acceptance. The primary purpose of this form is to obtain information
pertaining to your civil rights complaint. Our legal authority to request this information is the Department
of Justice, Investigation Procedures Manual. The CRD will not disclose the name or other identifying
information about the complaining individual unless the disclosure is necessary for investigation or
enforcement purposes and we have obtained a signed consent/release from that individual, OR unless
disclosure of such information is both necessary and permitted absent consent pursuant to the provisions
of the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. §552a), the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. §552), and/or
other federal law.


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