Partner'S Instructions For Schedule K-1 (Form 1065) - Partner'S Share Of Income, Deductions, Credits, Etc. (For Partner'S Use Only) - 2016 Page 8


If there was a gain (loss) from a casualty
Gambling gains and losses.
If you have any foreign source
or theft to property not used in a trade or
1. If the partnership wasn't engaged in
unrecaptured section 1250 gain, see
business or for income-producing purposes,
the trade or business of gambling, (a) report
the instructions for box 16, later.
the partnership will provide you with the
gambling winnings on Form 1040, line 21,
information you need to complete Form
Box 10. Net Section 1231 Gain
and (b) deduct gambling losses to the extent
of winnings on Schedule A (Form 1040),
line 28.
Code C. Section 1256 contracts and
The amount in box 10 is generally passive if
straddles. The partnership will report any
2. If the partnership was engaged in the
it is from a:
net gain or loss from section 1256 contracts.
trade or business of gambling, (a) report
Rental activity, or
Report this amount on Form 6781, Gains and
gambling winnings on line 28 of Schedule E
Trade or business activity in which you
Losses From Section 1256 Contracts and
(Form 1040), and (b) deduct gambling
didn't materially participate.
losses (to the extent of winnings) on line 28
of Schedule E (Form 1040), column (h).
However, an amount from a rental real
Code D. Mining exploration costs recap-
Gain (loss) from the disposition of an
estate activity isn't from a passive activity if
ture. The partnership will give you a
interest in oil, gas, geothermal, or other
you were a real estate professional (defined
statement that shows the information needed
mineral properties. The partnership will
earlier) and you materially participated in the
to recapture certain mining exploration costs
attach a statement that provides a
(section 617). See Pub. 535 for details.
description of the property, your share of the
If the amount is either (a) a loss that isn't
Code E. Cancellation of debt. Generally,
amount realized from the disposition, your
from a passive activity or (b) a gain, report it
this cancellation of debt (COD) amount is
share of the partnership's adjusted basis in
on line 2, column (g), of Form 4797, Sales of
included in your gross income (Form 1040,
the property (for other than oil or gas
Business Property. Do not complete columns
line 21). Under section 108(b)(5), you may
properties), and your share of the total
(b) through (f) on line 2 of Form 4797.
elect to apply any portion of the COD amount
intangible drilling costs, development costs,
Instead, enter “From Schedule K-1 (Form
excluded from gross income to the reduction
and mining exploration costs (section 59(e)
1065)” across these columns.
of the basis of depreciable property. See
expenditures) passed through for the
Form 982 for more details.
If the amount is a loss from a passive
property. You must figure your gain or loss
activity, see Passive Loss Limitations in the
from the disposition by increasing your share
Code F. Other income (loss). Amounts
of the adjusted basis by the intangible drilling
Instructions for Form 4797. Report the loss
with code F are other items of income, gain,
following the Instructions for Form 8582 to
costs, development costs, or mine
or loss not included in boxes 1 through 10 or
figure how much of the loss is allowed on
exploration costs for the property that you
reported in box 11 using codes A through E.
capitalized (that is, costs that you didn't elect
Form 4797. However, if the box in item D is
The partnership should give you a
checked, report the loss following the rules
to deduct under section 59(e)). Report a loss
description and the amount of your share for
for Publicly traded partnerships, earlier. If the
in Part I of Form 4797. Report a gain in Part
each of these items.
III of Form 4797 in accordance with the
partnership had net section 1231 gain (loss)
Report loss items that are passive activity
from more than one activity, it will attach a
instructions for line 28. See Regulations
amounts to you following the Instructions for
section 1.1254-5 for details.
statement that will identify the section 1231
Form 8582. However, if the box in item D is
gain (loss) from each activity.
Any income, gain, or loss to the
checked, report the loss following the rules
partnership under section 751(b) (certain
If you have any foreign source net
for Publicly traded partnerships, earlier.
distributions treated as sales or exchanges).
section 1231 gain (loss), see the
Report this amount on Form 4797, line 10.
Code F items may include the following.
instructions for box 16, later.
Specially allocated ordinary gain (loss).
Gain or loss attributable to the sale or
Report this amount on Form 4797, line 10.
exchange of qualified preferred stock of the
Box 11. Other Income (Loss)
Net short-term capital gain (loss) and net
Federal National Mortgage Association
long-term capital gain (loss) from
(Fannie Mae) and the Federal Home Loan
Code A. Other portfolio income (loss).
Schedule D (Form 1065) that isn't portfolio
Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac). The
The partnership will report portfolio income
income. An example is gain or loss from the
partnership will report on an attached
other than interest, ordinary dividend,
disposition of nondepreciable personal
statement the amount of gain or loss
royalty, and capital gain (loss) income, and
property used in a trade or business activity
attributable to the sale or exchange of the
attach a statement to tell you what kind of
of the partnership. Report total net short-term
qualified preferred stock, the date the stock
portfolio income is reported.
gain (loss) on Schedule D (Form 1040),
was acquired by the partnership, and the
If the partnership held a residual interest
line 5. Report the total net long-term gain
date the stock was sold or exchanged by the
in a real estate mortgage investment conduit
(loss) on Schedule D (Form 1040), line 12.
partnership. If the partner is not a financial
(REMIC), it will report on the statement your
Current year section 108(i) cancellation of
institution, report the gain or loss on line 5 or
share of REMIC taxable income (net loss)
debt (COD) income. The partnership will
line 12 of Schedule D (Form 1040) in
that you report on Schedule E (Form 1040),
provide your share of the deferred COD
accordance with the Instructions for
line 38, column (d). The statement will also
income amount that you must include in
Schedule D and Instructions for Form 8949.
report your share of any “excess inclusion”
income in the current tax year under section
If a partner is a financial institution referred to
that you report on Schedule E (Form 1040),
108(i)(1) or section 108(i)(5)(D)(i) or (ii).
in section 582(c)(2) or a depositary institution
line 38, column (c), and your share of section
Gain from the sale or exchange of
holding company (as defined in section 3(w)
212 expenses that you report on Schedule E
qualified small business (QSB) stock (as
(1) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act),
(Form 1040), line 38, column (e). If you
defined in the Instructions for Schedule D
report the gain or loss in accordance with the
itemize your deductions on Schedule A
(Form 1065)) that is eligible for a section
Instructions for Form 4797, and Rev. Proc.
(Form 1040), you may also deduct these
1202 exclusion. The partnership should also
2008-64, 2008-47 I.R.B. 1195.
section 212 expenses as a miscellaneous
give you (a) the name of the corporation that
Partnership gains from the disposition of
deduction subject to the 2% limit on
issued the QSB stock, (b) your share of the
farm recapture property (see the instructions
Schedule A (Form 1040), line 23.
partnership's adjusted basis and sales price
for line 27 of Form 4797) and other items to
of the QSB stock, and (c) the dates the QSB
Code B. Involuntary conversions. This is
which section 1252 applies.
stock was bought and sold. Corporate
your net gain (loss) from involuntary
Income from recoveries of tax benefit
partners are not eligible for the section 1202
items. A tax benefit item is an amount you
conversions due to casualty or theft. The
exclusion. The following additional limitations
partnership will give you a statement that
deducted in a prior tax year that reduced
apply at the partner level.
your income tax. Report this amount on
shows the amounts to be reported on Form
line 21 of Form 1040 to the extent it reduced
4684, Casualties and Thefts, line 34,
columns (b)(i), (b)(ii), and (c).
your tax in the prior tax year.
Partner's Instructions for Schedule K-1 (Form 1065)


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