Partner'S Instructions For Schedule K-1 (Form 1065) - Partner'S Share Of Income, Deductions, Credits, Etc. (For Partner'S Use Only) - 2016 Page 7


b. If a loss is reported in box 1, follow
report the income following the rules for
Investment Interest Expense Deduction, for
the Instructions for Form 8582 to figure how
Publicly traded partnerships, earlier.
important information on making this
much of the loss can be reported on
Box 3. Other Net Rental Income
Schedule E (Form 1040), line 28, column (f).
However, if the box in item D is checked,
If you have any foreign source
report the loss following the rules for Publicly
The amount in box 3 is a passive activity
qualified dividends, see the
traded partnerships, earlier.
instructions for box 16, later.
amount for all partners. If the partnership had
more than one rental activity, it will attach a
Box 2. Net Rental Real Estate
In the case of a corporate partner,
statement identifying the income or loss from
Income (Loss)
the partnership will attach a
each activity. Report the income or loss as
statement to the Schedule K-1
Generally, the income (loss) reported in
explaining what part of the dividends
box 2 is a passive activity amount for all
1. If box 3 is a loss, follow the
included in boxes 6a and 6b is eligible for the
partners. However, the income (loss) in
Instructions for Form 8582 to figure how
“dividends received by corporations
box 2 isn't from a passive activity if you were
much of the loss can be reported on
deduction” under section 243(a), (b), or (c).
a real estate professional (defined earlier)
Schedule E (Form 1040), line 28, column (f).
and you materially participated in the activity.
However, if the box in item D is checked,
Box 7. Royalties
If the partnership had more than one rental
report the loss following the rules for Publicly
real estate activity, it will attach a statement
traded partnerships, earlier.
Report royalties on Schedule E (Form 1040),
identifying the income or loss from each
line 4.
2. If income is reported in box 3, report
the income on Schedule E (Form 1040),
Box 8. Net Short-Term Capital
If you are filing a 2016 Form 1040, use
line 28, column (g). However, if the box in
Gain (Loss)
the following instructions to determine where
item D is checked, report the income
to report a box 2 amount.
following the rules for Publicly traded
Report the net short-term capital gain (loss)
partnerships, earlier.
on Schedule D (Form 1040), line 5.
1. If you have a loss from a passive
activity in box 2 and you meet all the
Box 9a. Net Long-Term Capital
Box 4. Guaranteed Payments
following conditions, report the loss on
Gain (Loss)
Schedule E (Form 1040), line 28, column (f).
Generally, amounts on this line are not
passive income, and you should report them
Report the net long-term capital gain (loss)
a. You actively participated in the
on Schedule E (Form 1040), line 28, column
on Schedule D (Form 1040), line 12.
partnership rental real estate activities. See
(j) (for example, guaranteed payments for
Special allowance for a rental real estate
If you have any foreign source net
personal services).
activity, earlier.
long-term capital gain (loss), see the
b. Rental real estate activities with
Portfolio Income
instructions for box 16, later.
active participation were your only passive
Portfolio income or loss (shown in boxes 5
Box 9b. Collectibles (28%) Gain
through 9b and in box 11, code A) isn't
c. You have no prior year unallowed
subject to the passive activity limitations.
losses from these activities.
Portfolio income includes income (not
Report collectibles gain or loss on line 4 of
d. Your total loss from the rental real
derived in the ordinary course of a trade or
the 28% Rate Gain Worksheet—Line 18 in
estate activities wasn't more than $25,000
business) from interest, ordinary dividends,
the Instructions for Schedule D (Form 1040).
(not more than $12,500 if married filing
annuities or royalties, and gain or loss on the
If you have any foreign source
separately and you lived apart from your
sale of property that produces such income
collectibles (28%) gain (loss), see
spouse all year).
or is held for investment.
the instructions for box 16, later.
e. If you are a married person filing
Box 5. Interest Income
separately, you lived apart from your spouse
Box 9c. Unrecaptured Section
Report interest income on line 8a of Form
all year.
1250 Gain
1040. If the amount of interest income
You have no current or prior year
included in box 5 includes interest from the
There are three types of unrecaptured
unallowed credits from a passive activity.
credit for holders of clean renewable energy
section 1250 gain. Report your share of this
g. Your modified adjusted gross income
bonds, the partnership will attach a
unrecaptured gain on the Unrecaptured
wasn't more than $100,000 (not more than
statement to Schedule K-1 showing your
Section 1250 Gain Worksheet—Line 19 in
$50,000 if married filing separately and you
share of interest income from these credits.
the Instructions for Schedule D (Form 1040)
lived apart from your spouse all year).
Because the basis of your interest in the
as follows.
partnership has been increased by your
h. Your interest in the rental real estate
Report unrecaptured section 1250 gain
share of the interest income from these
activity wasn't held as a limited partner.
from the sale or exchange of the
credits, you must reduce your basis by the
2. If you have a loss from a passive
partnership's business assets on line 5.
same amount. See line 4 of the
Report unrecaptured section 1250 gain
activity in box 2 and you do not meet all the
for Adjusting the Basis of a Partner's Interest
from the sale or exchange of an interest in a
conditions in (1) above, follow the
in the
Instructions for Form 8582 to figure how
partnership on line 10.
Report unrecaptured section 1250 gain
much of the loss you can report on
Box 6a. Ordinary Dividends
from an estate, trust, regulated investment
Schedule E (Form 1040), line 28, column (f).
Report ordinary dividends on line 9a of Form
company (RIC), or real estate investment
However, if the box in item D is checked,
trust (REIT) on line 11.
report the loss following the rules for Publicly
traded partnerships, earlier.
Box 6b. Qualified Dividends
If the partnership reports only
3. If you were a real estate professional
unrecaptured section 1250 gain from the
Report any qualified dividends on line 9b of
and you materially participated in the activity,
sale or exchange of its business assets, it
Form 1040.
report box 2 income (loss) on Schedule E
will enter a dollar amount in box 9c. If it
Qualified dividends are excluded
(Form 1040), line 28, column (h) or (j).
reports the other two types of unrecaptured
from investment income, but you
4. If you have income from a passive
gain, it will provide an attached statement
may elect to include part or all of
that shows the amount for each type of
activity in box 2, report the income on
these amounts in investment income. See
unrecaptured section 1250 gain.
Schedule E (Form 1040), line 28, column (g).
the instructions for line 4g of Form 4952,
However, if the box in item D is checked,
Partner's Instructions for Schedule K-1 (Form 1065)


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