Partner'S Instructions For Schedule K-1 (Form 1065) - Partner'S Share Of Income, Deductions, Credits, Etc. (For Partner'S Use Only) - 2016 Page 5


Only individuals, qualifying estates, and
Any taxable social security or equivalent
Specific Instructions
qualifying revocable trusts that made a
railroad retirement benefits.
section 645 election can actively participate
Any deductible contributions to an IRA or
Part I. Information About
in a rental real estate activity. Estates (other
certain other qualified retirement plans under
than qualifying estates), trusts (other than
section 219.
the Partnership
qualifying revocable trusts that made a
The domestic production activities
section 645 election), and corporations
Item D
cannot actively participate. Limited partners
The student loan interest deduction.
cannot actively participate unless future
The tuition and fees deduction.
If the box in item D is checked, you are a
partner in a publicly traded partnership and
regulations provide an exception.
The deductible part of self-employment
must follow the rules discussed, earlier,
You are not considered to actively
The exclusion from income of interest
under Publicly traded partnerships.
participate in a rental real estate activity if, at
from Series EE or I U.S. Savings Bonds used
any time during the tax year, your interest
to pay higher education expenses.
(including your spouse's interest) in the
Part II. Information About
The exclusion of amounts received under
activity was less than 10% (by value) of all
the Partner
an employer's adoption assistance program.
interests in the activity.
Active participation is a less stringent
Commercial revitalization deduction.
Item E
requirement than material participation. You
The special $25,000 allowance for the
For your protection, this form may show only
may be treated as actively participating if you
commercial revitalization deduction from
the last four digits of your social security
participated, for example, in making
rental real estate activities isn't subject to the
number (SSN), individual taxpayer
management decisions or arranging for
active participation rules or modified
identification number (ITIN), or employer
others to provide services (such as repairs)
adjusted gross income limits discussed
identification number (EIN). However, the
in a significant and bona fide sense.
earlier. See the instructions for box 13, code
partnership has reported your complete
Management decisions that can count as
Q, for more information.
identification number to the IRS.
active participation include approving new
Special rules for certain other activities.
tenants, deciding rental terms, approving
Item J
If you have net income (loss), deductions, or
capital or repair expenditures, and other
credits from any activity to which special
Generally, the amounts reported in item J are
similar decisions.
rules apply, the partnership will identify the
based on the partnership agreement. If your
An estate is a qualifying estate if the
activity and all amounts relating to it on
interest commenced after the beginning of
decedent would have satisfied the active
Schedule K-1 or on an attached statement.
the partnership's tax year, the partnership
participation requirement for the activity for
If you have net income subject to
will have entered, in the Beginning column,
the tax year the decedent died. A qualifying
recharacterization under Temporary
the percentages that existed for you
estate is treated as actively participating for
Regulations section 1.469-2T(f) and
immediately after admission. If your interest
tax years ending less than 2 years after the
Regulations section 1.469-2(f), report such
terminated before the end of the
date of the decedent's death.
amounts according to the Instructions for
partnership's tax year, the partnership will
Form 8582 (or Form 8810).
have entered, in the Ending column, the
Modified adjusted gross income
percentages that existed immediately before
limitation. The maximum special
If you have net income (loss), deductions,
allowance that single individuals and married
or credits from any of the following activities,
individuals filing a joint return can qualify for
treat such amounts as nonpassive and report
The ending percentage share shown on
is $25,000. The maximum is $12,500 for
them as indicated in these instructions.
the Capital line is the portion of the capital
married individuals who file separate returns
1. Working interests in oil and gas wells
you would receive if the partnership was
and who lived apart at all times during the
if you are a general partner.
liquidated at the end of its tax year by the
year. The maximum special allowance for
2. The rental of a dwelling unit any
distribution of undivided interests in the
which an estate can qualify is $25,000
partner used for personal purposes during
partnership's assets and liabilities. If your
reduced by the special allowance for which
the year for more than the greater of 14 days
capital account is negative or zero, the
the surviving spouse qualifies.
or 10% of the number of days that the
partnership will have entered zero on this
If your modified adjusted gross income
residence was rented at fair rental value.
(defined below) is $100,000 or less ($50,000
3. Trading personal property for the
Item K
or less if married filing separately), your loss
account of owners of interests in the activity.
is deductible up to the maximum special
Item K should show your share of the
allowance referred to in the preceding
partnership's nonrecourse liabilities,
Self-charged interest. The partnership will
paragraph. If your modified adjusted gross
partnership-level qualified nonrecourse
report any “self-charged” interest income or
income is more than $100,000 (more than
financing, and other recourse liabilities as of
expense that resulted from loans between
$50,000 if married filing separately), the
the end of the partnership's tax year. If you
you and the partnership (or between the
special allowance is limited to 50% of the
terminated your interest in the partnership
partnership and another partnership or S
difference between $150,000 ($75,000 if
during the tax year, item K should show the
corporation if both entities have the same
married filing separately) and your modified
share that existed immediately before the
owners with the same proportional
adjusted gross income. When modified
total disposition. A partner's “recourse
ownership interest in each entity). If there
adjusted gross income is $150,000 or more
liability” is any partnership liability for which a
was more than one activity, the partnership
($75,000 or more if married filing separately),
partner is personally liable.
will provide a statement allocating the
there is no special allowance.
interest income or expense with respect to
Modified adjusted gross income is your
Use the total of the three amounts for
each activity. The self-charged interest rules
adjusted gross income figured without taking
figuring the adjusted basis of your
do not apply to your partnership interest if the
into account the following amounts, if
partnership interest.
partnership made an election under
Regulations section 1.469-7(g) to avoid the
Any passive activity loss.
Generally, you may use only the amounts
application of these rules. See the
Any rental real estate loss allowed under
shown next to “Qualified nonrecourse
Instructions for Form 8582 for details.
section 469(c)(7) to real estate professionals
financing” and “Recourse” to figure your
(defined earlier).
amount at risk. Do not include any amounts
Any overall loss from a publicly traded
that are not at risk if such amounts are
included in either of these categories.
Partner's Instructions for Schedule K-1 (Form 1065)


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