Partner'S Instructions For Schedule K-1 (Form 1065) - Partner'S Share Of Income, Deductions, Credits, Etc. (For Partner'S Use Only) - 2016 Page 3


of holding real property placed in service
For a closely held C corporation
disabled farmers and to the surviving
before 1987 by the partnership. The activity
(defined in section 465(a)(1)(B)), the
spouses of farmers. See the Instructions for
of holding mineral property doesn't qualify for
above conditions are treated as met
Form 8582 for details.
this exception. The partnership should
if more than 50% of the corporation's gross
Corporations should refer to the
identify on a statement attached to
receipts were from real property trades or
Instructions for Form 8810 for the material
Schedule K-1 any losses that are not subject
businesses in which the corporation
participation standards that apply to them.
to the at-risk limitations.
materially participated.
Individuals (other than limited
Generally, you are not at risk for amounts
For purposes of this rule, each interest in
partners). If you are an individual (either a
such as the following.
rental real estate is a separate activity,
general partner or a limited partner who
Nonrecourse loans used to finance the
unless you elect to treat all interests in rental
owned a general partnership interest at all
activity, to acquire property used in the
real estate as one activity. For details on
times during the tax year), you materially
activity, or to acquire your interest in the
making this election, see the Instructions for
participated in an activity only if one or more
activity, that are not secured by your own
Schedule E (Form 1040), Supplemental
of the following apply.
property (other than the property used in the
Income and Loss.
1. You participated in the activity for
activity). See the instructions for item K, later,
If you are married filing jointly, either you
more than 500 hours during the tax year.
for the exception for qualified nonrecourse
or your spouse must separately meet both
financing secured by real property.
2. Your participation in the activity for
(a) and (b) of the above conditions, without
Cash, property, or borrowed amounts
the tax year constituted substantially all the
taking into account services performed by
used in the activity (or contributed to the
participation in the activity of all individuals
the other spouse.
activity, or used to acquire your interest in
(including individuals who are not owners of
A real property trade or business is any
the activity) that are protected against loss
interests in the activity).
real property development, redevelopment,
by a guarantee, stop-loss agreement, or
3. You participated in the activity for
construction, reconstruction, acquisition,
other similar arrangement (excluding
more than 100 hours during the tax year, and
conversion, rental, operation, management,
casualty insurance and insurance against
your participation in the activity for the tax
leasing, or brokerage trade or business.
tort liability).
year wasn't less than the participation in the
Services you performed as an employee are
Amounts borrowed for use in the activity
activity of any other individual (including
not treated as performed in a real property
from a person who has an interest in the
individuals who were not owners of interests
trade or business unless you owned more
activity, other than as a creditor, or who is
in the activity) for the tax year.
than 5% of the stock (or more than 5% of the
related, under section 465(b)(3), to a person
4. The activity was a significant
capital or profits interest) in the employer.
(other than you) having such an interest.
participation activity for the tax year, and you
3. Working interests in oil or gas wells if
You should get a separate statement of
participated in all significant participation
you were a general partner.
income, expenses, and other items for each
activities (including activities outside the
4. The rental of a dwelling unit any
activity from the partnership.
partnership) during the year for more than
partner used for personal purposes during
500 hours. A significant participation activity
Passive Activity Limitations
the year for more than the greater of 14 days
is any trade or business activity in which you
or 10% of the number of days that the
Section 469 provides rules that limit the
participated for more than 100 hours during
residence was rented at fair rental value.
deduction of certain losses and credits.
the year and in which you didn't materially
These rules apply to partners who:
participate under any of the material
5. Activities of trading personal property
Are individuals, estates, trusts, closely
participation tests (other than this test).
for the account of owners of interests in the
held C corporations, or personal service
5. You materially participated in the
corporations; and
activity for any 5 tax years (whether or not
If you are an individual, an estate, or a
Have a passive activity loss or credit for
consecutive) during the 10 tax years that
trust, and you have a passive activity loss or
the tax year.
immediately precede the tax year.
credit, use Form 8582, Passive Activity Loss
Generally, passive activities include the
6. The activity was a personal service
Limitations, to figure your allowable passive
activity and you materially participated in the
losses and Form 8582-CR, Passive Activity
activity for any 3 tax years (whether or not
1. Trade or business activities in which
Credit Limitations, to figure your allowable
consecutive) preceding the tax year. A
passive credits. For a corporation, use Form
you didn't materially participate.
personal service activity involves the
8810, Corporate Passive Activity Loss and
2. Activities that meet the definition of
performance of personal services in the
Credit Limitations. See the instructions for
rental activities under Temporary
fields of health, law, engineering,
these forms for details.
Regulations section 1.469-1T(e)(3) and
architecture, accounting, actuarial science,
Regulations section 1.469-1(e)(3).
performing arts, consulting, or any other
If the partnership had more than one
activity, it will attach a statement to your
trade or business in which capital isn't a
Passive activities do not include the
material income-producing factor.
Schedule K-1 that identifies each activity
(trade or business activity, rental real estate
7. Based on all the facts and
1. Trade or business activities in which
activity, rental activity other than rental real
circumstances, you participated in the
you materially participated.
estate, and other activity) and specifies the
activity on a regular, continuous, and
2. Rental real estate activities in which
income (loss), deductions, and credits from
substantial basis during the tax year.
you materially participated if you were a real
each activity.
estate professional for the tax year. You
Limited partners. If you are a limited
Material participation. You must
were a real estate professional only if you
partner, you do not materially participate in
determine if you materially participated (a) in
met both of the following conditions.
an activity unless you meet one of the tests
each trade or business activity held through
in paragraph 1, 5, or 6 above.
a. More than half of the personal
the partnership, and (b) if you were a real
services you performed in trades or
estate professional (defined earlier), in each
Work counted toward material
businesses were performed in real property
rental real estate activity held through the
participation. Generally, any work that you
trades or businesses in which you materially
or your spouse does in connection with an
partnership. All determinations of material
participation are based on your participation
activity held through a partnership (where
b. You performed more than 750 hours
during the partnership's tax year.
you own your partnership interest at the time
of services in real property trades or
the work is done) is counted toward material
Material participation standards for
businesses in which you materially
participation. However, work in connection
partners who are individuals are listed below.
Special rules apply to certain retired or
Partner's Instructions for Schedule K-1 (Form 1065)


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