Partner'S Instructions For Schedule K-1 (Form 1065) - Partner'S Share Of Income, Deductions, Credits, Etc. (For Partner'S Use Only) - 2016 Page 15


4. Your share of the gross sales price or
disposition of certain timeshares and
A partner is required to notify the
amount realized.
residential lots on the installment method. If
partnership of its tax-exempt status.
you are an individual, report the interest on
5. Your share of the cost or other basis
Form 1040, line 62. Check box c and enter
plus the expense of sale.
“453(l)(3)” and the amount of the interest in
Code W. Precontribution gain (loss). If
6. Your share of the depreciation
the space to the left of line 62.
the partnership distributed any property with
allowed or allowable.
precontribution gain or loss to any partner
Code P. Section 453A(c) information.
7. Your share of the section 179
other than the contributing partner, and the
The partnership will report any information
expense deduction (if any) passed through
date of the distribution was within 7 years of
you need to figure the interest due under
for the property and the partnership's tax
the date the property was contributed to the
section 453A(c) with respect to certain
year(s) in which the amount was passed
partnership, the contributing partner must
installment sales. If you are an individual,
through. To figure the amount of depreciation
recognize a gain or loss under section 704(c)
report the interest on Form 1040, line 62.
allowed or allowable for Form 4797, line 22,
(1)(B). If the partnership made such a
Check box c and enter “453A(c)” and the
add to the amount from item 6, above, the
distribution during its tax year, it will enter
amount of the interest in the space to the left
amount of your share of the section 179
code W in box 20 of the contributing
of line 62. See the Form 6252 instructions for
expense deduction, reduced by any unused
partner's Schedule K-1 and attach a
more information. Also see section 453A(c)
carryover of the deduction for this property.
statement providing the amount of the
for details on how to figure the interest.
This amount may be different from the
partner's precontribution gain (loss) and
amount of section 179 expense you
Code Q. Section 1260(b) information.
identifying the character of the gain or loss
deducted for the property if your interest in
The partnership will report any information
(for example, capital gain (loss) or section
the partnership has changed.
you need to figure the interest due under
1231 gain (loss)). Report the precontribution
section 1260(b). If the partnership had gain
gain or loss on Form 8949/Schedule D or
8. If the disposition is due to a casualty
from certain constructive ownership
Form 4797 in accordance with the
or theft, a statement providing the
transactions, your tax liability must be
information provided by the partnership.
information you need to complete Form
increased by the interest charge on any
Code X. Section 108(i) information. If the
deferral of gain recognition under section
9. If the sale was an installment sale
partnership made a section 108(i) election or
1260(b). Report the interest on Form 1040,
made during the partnership's tax year, any
allocates any section 108(i) items to its
line 62. Enter “1260(b)” and the amount of
information you need to complete Form
partners, it will provide a statement
the interest in the space to the left of line 62.
6252, Installment Sale Income. The
identifying your share of:
See section 1260(b) for details, including
partnership will separately report your share
The deferred section 108(i) cancellation of
how to figure the interest.
of all payments received for the property in
debt (COD) income that has not been
future tax years. See the Form 6252
Code R. Interest allocable to production
included in income in the current or prior tax
instructions for details.
expenditures. The partnership will report
any information you need relating to interest
The partnership's original issue discount
Code M. Recapture of section 179 deduc-
you are required to capitalize under section
(OID) deduction deferred under section
tion. The partnership will report your share
263A for production expenditures. See
108(i)(2)(A)(i) that has not been deducted in
of any recapture of section 179 expense
Regulations sections 1.263A-8 through
the current or prior tax years,
deduction if business use of any property for
1.263A-15 for details.
The deferred section 752 amount that is
which the section 179 expense deduction
treated as a distribution of money under
Code S. CCF nonqualified withdrawals.
was passed through to partners dropped to
section 752 in the current tax year, and
The partnership will report your share of
50% or less. If this occurs, the partnership
The deferred section 752 amount
nonqualified withdrawals from a capital
must provide the following information.
remaining as of the end of the current tax
construction fund (CCF). These withdrawals
1. Your share of the depreciation
are taxed separately from your other gross
allowed or allowable (not including the
income at the highest marginal ordinary
Code Y. Net investment income. The
section 179 expense deduction).
income or capital gains tax rate. Attach a
partnership may use this code Y to report
statement to your federal income tax return
2. Your share of the section 179
information you may need to determine your
expense deduction (if any) passed through
to show your computation of both the tax and
net investment income tax under section
for the property and the partnership's tax
interest for a nonqualified withdrawal.
1411, including information regarding
Include the tax and interest on Form 1040,
year(s) in which the amount was passed
income from controlled foreign corporations
through. Reduce this amount by the portion,
line 62. In the space to the left of line 62,
(CFCs) and passive foreign investment
if any, of your unused (carryover) section
enter the amount of tax and interest and
companies (PFICs) the stock of which is
179 expense deduction for this property.
owned by the partnership. Any information
that isn't provided elsewhere on
Code T. Depletion information—oil and
Code N. Interest expense for corporate
Schedule K-1 (or an attachment to
gas. This is your share of gross income
partners. The partnership will report each
Schedule K-1) is provided using code Y. For
from the property, share of production for the
corporate partner's share of the partnership's
CFCs and PFICs that you treat as qualified
tax year, and other information needed to
interest expense. This amount is reported
electing funds (QEFs), the information that is
figure your depletion deduction for oil and
elsewhere on Schedule K-1 and the total
relevant to you will depend on whether you,
gas wells. The partnership should also
amount is reported here for information only.
the partnership, or a lower-tier entity has
allocate to you a share of the adjusted basis
Your share of interest income is reported in
made an election under Regulations section
of each partnership oil or gas property. See
box 5 and your share of the partnership's
1.1411-10(g) with respect to the CFC or
Pub. 535 for details on how to figure your
liabilities is reported in Part II, item K. A
QEF. For example, if the partnership made
depletion deduction.
corporate partner's share of interest income,
an election under Regulations section
interest expense, and partnership liabilities
Code U. Reserved.
1.1411-10(g) for a CFC the stock of which is
are treated as income, expense, and
owned by the partnership, and the relevant
Code V. Unrelated business taxable in-
liabilities of the corporation for purposes of
income and deduction items derived from
come. The partnership will report any
the limitation on the deduction for interest
that CFC are reported elsewhere on the
information you need to figure unrelated
under section 163(j).
Schedule K-1, then you will not need the
business taxable income under section
information provided in code Y to complete
Code O. Section 453(l)(3) information.
512(a)(1) (but excluding any modifications
your Form 8960.
The partnership will report any information
required by paragraphs (8) through (15) of
If you are an individual who is a U.S.
you need to figure the interest due under
section 512(b)) for a partner that is a
citizen or resident, or a domestic trust or
section 453(l)(3) with respect to the
tax-exempt organization.
Partner's Instructions for Schedule K-1 (Form 1065)


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