Partner'S Instructions For Schedule K-1 (Form 1065) - Partner'S Share Of Income, Deductions, Credits, Etc. (For Partner'S Use Only) - 2016 Page 13


Foreign Tax Credit—Corporations, and its
items from other sources) to prepare your
the partnership are not deductible on your
instructions; and Pub. 514, Foreign Tax
Form 6251, Alternative Minimum
tax return. Decrease the adjusted basis of
Credit for Individuals.
Tax—Individuals; Form 4626, Alternative
your interest in the partnership by this
Minimum Tax—Corporations; or Schedule I
Codes O and P. Extraterritorial income
(Form 1041), Alternative Minimum
Tax—Estates and Trusts.
Box 19. Distributions
1. Partnership did not claim the
A partner that is a corporation
exclusion. If the partnership reports your
subject to alternative minimum tax
Code A. Cash and marketable securities.
share of foreign trading gross receipts (code
must notify the partnership of its
Code A shows the distributions the
O) and the extraterritorial income exclusion
partnership made to you of cash and certain
(code P), the partnership wasn't entitled to
marketable securities. The marketable
claim the exclusion because it didn't meet
Code A. This amount is your share of the
securities are included at their fair market
the foreign economic process requirements.
partnership's post-1986 depreciation
value (FMV) on the date of distribution
You may still qualify for your share of this
adjustment. If you are an individual partner,
(minus your share of the partnership's gain
exclusion if the partnership's foreign trading
report this amount on line 18 of Form 6251.
on the securities distributed to you). If the
gross receipts for the tax year were $5
amount shown as code A exceeds the
million or less. To qualify for this exclusion,
Code B. This amount is your share of the
adjusted basis of your partnership interest
your foreign trading gross receipts from all
partnership's adjusted gain or loss. If you are
immediately before the distribution, the
sources for the tax year also must have been
an individual partner, report this amount on
excess is treated as gain from the sale or
$5 million or less. If you qualify for the
line 17 of Form 6251.
exchange of your partnership interest.
exclusion, report the exclusion amount in
Code C. This amount is your share of the
Generally, this gain is treated as gain from
accordance with the instructions for Income
partnership's depletion adjustment. If you are
the sale of a capital asset and should be
(Loss), earlier, for box 1, 2, or 3, whichever
an individual partner, report this amount on
reported on Form 8949 and the Schedule D
applies. See Form 8873, Extraterritorial
line 9 of Form 6251.
for your return. However, if you receive cash
Income Exclusion, for details.
or property in exchange for any part of a
Codes D and E. Oil, gas, & geothermal
2. Partnership claimed the exclusion. If
partnership interest, the amount of the
properties—gross income and deduc-
the partnership reports your share of foreign
distribution attributable to your share of the
tions. The amounts reported on these lines
trading gross receipts but not the amount of
partnership's unrealized receivable or
include only the gross income (code D) from,
the extraterritorial income exclusion, the
inventory items results in ordinary income
and deductions (code E) allocable to, oil,
partnership met the foreign economic
(see Regulations section 1.751-1(a) and
gas, and geothermal properties included in
process requirements and claimed the
Sale or Exchange of Partnership Interest,
box 1 of Schedule K-1. The partnership
exclusion when figuring your share of
earlier). For details, see Pub. 541.
should have attached a statement that
partnership income. You also may need to
The partnership will separately identify
shows any income from or deductions
know the amount of your share of foreign
both of the following.
allocable to such properties that are included
trading gross receipts from this partnership
The FMV of the marketable securities
in boxes 2 through 13, 18, and 20 of
to determine if you met the $5 million or less
when distributed (minus your share of the
Schedule K-1. Use the amounts reported
exception discussed above for purposes of
gain on the securities distributed to you).
and the amounts on the attached statement
qualifying for an extraterritorial income
The partnership's adjusted basis of those
to help you figure the net amount to enter on
exclusion from other sources.
securities immediately before the
line 26 of Form 6251.
Upon request, the partnership
Code F. Other AMT items. Enter the
should furnish you a copy of the
Decrease the adjusted basis of your
information on the statement attached by the
partnership's Form 8873 if there is a
interest in the partnership (but not below
partnership on the applicable lines of Form
reduction for international boycott
zero) by the amount of cash distributed to
6251, Form 4626, or Schedule I (Form
operations, illegal bribes, kickbacks, and
you and the partnership's adjusted basis of
other payments.
the distributed securities. Advances or
drawings of money or property against your
Code Q. Other foreign transactions. On
Box 18. Tax-Exempt
share are treated as current distributions
a statement attached to Schedule K-1, the
made on the last day of the partnership's tax
Income and Nondeductible
partnership will report any other information
on foreign transactions that you may need
Your basis in the distributed marketable
using code Q.
securities (other than in liquidation of your
The partnership will attach a statement
Code A. Tax-exempt interest income.
interest) is the smaller of:
that separately identifies any arrangement,
Report on your return, as an item of
The partnership's adjusted basis in the
along with the taxes paid or accrued in
information, your share of the tax-exempt
securities immediately before the distribution
connection with the arrangement, in which
interest received or accrued by the
increased by any gain recognized on the
the partnership participates that would
partnership during the year. Individual
distribution of the securities, or
qualify as a splitter arrangement under
partners include this amount on Form 1040,
The adjusted basis of your partnership
section 909 if one or more partners are
line 8b. Increase the adjusted basis of your
interest reduced by any cash distributed in
covered persons regarding an entity that
interest in the partnership by this amount.
the same transaction and increased by any
took into account related income from the
Code B. Other tax-exempt income.
gain recognized on the distribution of the
arrangement. The statement will also
Increase the adjusted basis of your interest
indicate whether the partnership has taken
in the partnership by the amount shown, but
If you received the securities in liquidation
into account any related income from any
do not include it in income on your tax return.
of your partnership interest, your basis in the
such splitter arrangement. See section 909
marketable securities is equal to the
and the related regulations for rules
The partnership will attach a
adjusted basis of your partnership interest
regarding splitter arrangements.
statement for the amount included
reduced by any cash distributed in the same
under code B that is exempt by
transaction and increased by any gain
reason of section 892 and describe the
Box 17. Alternative
recognized on the distribution of the
nature of the income.
Minimum Tax (AMT) Items
Code C. Nondeductible expenses. The
Code B. Distribution subject to section
Use the information reported in box 17 (as
nondeductible expenses paid or incurred by
737. If a partner contributed section 704(c)
well as your adjustments and tax preference
Partner's Instructions for Schedule K-1 (Form 1065)


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