Morton Grove Public Library Freedom Of Information Request Form


Morton Grove Public Library
Freedom of Information Request Form
Date: _________________________
Your name: ______________________________________________
Phone: __________________________ E-mail: __________________________________________
Business name (if applicable): _________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________
Is this request for a commercial purpose: ___yes
(It is a violation of the Freedom of Information Act for a person to knowingly obtain a public record for a commercial
purpose without disclosing that it is for a commercial purpose, if requested to do so by the public body.)
Are you requesting a waiver of the photocopying fee (if more than 50 pages):
(If you are requesting that the library waive any fees for copying the documents, you must attach a statement explaining how
your request is in the public interest and does not serve only your personal interest. The waiver is only available for non-
commercial requests.)
Preferred delivery method:
____e-mail (PDF)
____photocopy – pickup
____photocopy – mail
____in-library viewing
(The library reserves the right to provide documents in the most appropriate format, given the number and format of the
original documents.)
Describe in as much detail as possible the records you are requesting:


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