Molecular Orbital Diagrams Worksheet


Morning class week 5 day 1: Diatomic molecular
orbital diagrams without sp hybridization
1. Making MO diagrams
Making more traditional outside-to inside MO diagrams requires knowing two different
things: the flow diagram by which MO diagrams are generated and the rules by which
the flow-chart is processed.
(a) The flow chart: There are four steps.
i. Place the two atomic orbital (AO) energy diagrams on the two sides of the
sheet of paper.
ii. Based on the atomic electron configuration, place the correct electron fillings
for the two AO energy diagrams, one on each side.
iii. Mix pairs of AOs to derive two MOs. One of the MOs is more bonding, the
other more antibonding. They are indicated by horizontal lines in the center
of the page. MO balloon drawings are placed next to each of these central
horizontal lines.
iv. Follow the Aufbau principle and fill the central horizontal lines with the
correct number of electrons.
(b) The rules: There are three rules for the making of MO diagrams.
i. In a minimal basis set MO diagram, the number of MOs equals the number
of AOs.
ii. When two orbitals combine, they combine to make two new orbitals. The
original orbitals combine to make the lowest and highest energy combinations
iii. Orbitals which are initially close in energy interact stronger than orbitals
which are initially far apart in energy. When two orbitals of different energy
combine, the resultant low energy combination resembles more the initially
lower energy orbital; the resultant high energy combination resembles more
the initially high energy orbital. Two orbitals of equal initial energy combine
to make two new orbitals with equal contributions from the two starting
orbitals equally.
(c) Examine the H
MO diagram you previously drew and detemine where the three
rules were applied in the making of the diagram.
2. We apply the above ideas to make MO diagrams for a variety of different
diatomic molecules.
(a) Draw an MO diagram for Be
using only the 1s and 2s Be AOs.
(b) Draw an MO diagram for Be
using only the 2s Be AOs.


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