To Parents Of Students In Level 2 Mont Albert Primary School Page 3


The students will continue to develop reading strategies at their own level. Reading
should be enjoyable and develop the student's confidence by reading familiar texts as
well as the challenge of new material. The students are encouraged to enjoy a wide
range of literature. During the daily reading session, students are engaged in a range of
reading related activities such as listening post, reading games, vocabulary activities, private
reading and guided reading sessions. As well as being able to decode the text, students are required
to understand what they are reading.
Maths is related to everyday experiences using a range of hands-on materials and
equipment and open ended tasks.
 Understanding of place value to two digit places (Grade 1), three digit places, and zero as place
holder (Grade 2).
 Skip counting of whole numbers by 1, 2, 5, 10 (Grade 1) by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 backwards and
forwards between 0-1000 (Grade 2).
 Quick and automatic response of number facts to 10 (Grade 1) and 20 (Grade 2).
 Use doubling, near doubling and making up to ten as an aid to estimation.
 Addition, subtraction and informal recording of number sentences involving multiplication
(“groups of”) and division (“how many groups of”/ “shared between”). (Grade 1) Develop an
understanding of and use various mathematical signs e.g. +, -,x, , =. (Grade 2)
 Problem solving related to everyday experiences.
 Identify and use simple fractions
 Experience in the measurement of time, length, mass, capacity, volume, temperature and area
using informal and formal units.
 Reading and drawing simple maps and charts.
 Identify, describe and label 2D and 3D objects and shapes.
 Graphing simple information.
 Experience in the use of calculators.
 Variety of chance and data activities.
The skills developed in this area are based on inquiry. We encourage students to draw from their
own and shared experiences to wonder about their immediate world - the community in which they
live. Inquiry sessions provide the opportunity for integrated curricular activities that can also
involve language and mathematics skills. The students are encouraged to develop a sense of
responsibility and independence and the ability to work co-operatively.
As part of the Victorian Essential Learning Standards (VELS) framework, personal learning and
values education will be promoted.
2012 Units of work: Term 1- Learning to Learn / Why are our beaches special? Term 2- How
can we travel safely? Term 3- Wonderful Weather, Term 4- What are fairytales and how have
they survived?


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