Instructions For 2010 Form 4cs: Sharing Of Research Credits For Combined Group Members Page 2


Form 4CS Instructions
■ Column d. Gross Tax – On the line corresponding
CAUTION: If the member with the sharable research
to each member, enter the gross tax from line Q of
credit already used part of that credit against its own
the member’s Form 4M.
tax liability on Form 4M, Part III, line 3, you must
reduce the amount you enter in Part I of Form 4CS
■ Column e. Member’s Own Credits Used – On the
by the amount already used.
line corresponding to each member, enter the total
credits the member used against its own tax liability.
This is the amount from the member’s Form 4M,
If a corporation is sharing its research credits, it may
Part III, line 3.
choose to share only a portion of the sharable
amount. In column c, enter only the amount that the
■ Column f. Gross Tax Minus Member’s Own
corporation will be sharing.
Credits Used – The difference between the amounts
■ Line 1f. Total from Additional Companies – If
in columns d and e represents the member’s
remaining tax liability.
there are more than five companies that will be shar-
ing research credits with the rest of the group, enter
■ Line 3h. Total from Additional Companies – If
the total from column c of that schedule on line 1f.
there are more than seven companies in the com-
bined group, enter the total from column g of the ad-
ditional schedule on line 3h.
Part II: Tax Liability Eligible for Shared Credits
Part II applies to all corporations in the combined
Part III: Percentage to be Applied to
group that have a tax liability.
Combined Return
■ Columns a and b. Name and FEIN of Members –
■ Line 6. Percentage of Aggregate Sharable
Enter the name and federal employer identification
Amount – Compare the aggregate sharable research
number (FEIN) of each company in the combined
credits you computed in Part I (line 2) to the total
group that has a tax liability. Do not include corpora-
eligible tax liability you computed in Part II (line 5 of
tions that are not combined group members, even if
Part III). The percentage on line 6 represents the
they are included in the combined return for purposes
percentage of the aggregate sharable research
of reporting separate entity items.
credits that will be used against the combined group’s
tax liability.
If there are more than seven members of the com-
bined group, prepare a separate schedule with col-
To apply the aggregate sharable research credits
umns a through g and list the additional companies
against the combined group’s tax liability, do the
and their FEINs on a separate schedule.
following for each combined group member you listed
■ Column c1. Share of Combined Unitary
in Part I:
Income – For each member you listed in columns a
1. Multiply the percentage on line 6 by the sharable
and b, enter the sum of the amounts on line L1 and
credits you entered for that corporation in Part I,
line L2 of the member’s Form 4M.
column c.
■ Column c2. Tax Attributable to Combined
2. Enter the result on line 4 of Part III of that
member’s Form 4M.
Unitary Income – Multiply the amount on line c1 by
7.9% and enter the result on line c2. This is the
The sum of the amounts on Line 4 of Part III of the
maximum amount of the member’s tax liability that
members’ Forms 4M should equal the lesser of line 2
may be offset by shared research credits.
or line 5 of Form 4CS.


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