The Glow-Worm (Bar) - Paul Lincke/ Lilla Robinson/johnnymercer Chord Chart


(To make the song a little easier to play, you can eliminate the C#7's, D7's, and D#7's)
4/4 1...2...1234
-Paul Lincke/ Lilla Robinson/JohnnyMercer
Shine little glow-worm, glimmer, glimmer, shine little glow-worm, glimmer, glimmer
Lead us, lest too far we wander, love's sweet voice is calling yonder
Shine little glow-worm, glimmer, glimmer, hey there, don't get dimmer, dimmer
Light the path be-low, a-bove, and lead us on to love
Glow little glow-worm, fly of fire, glow like an incan-descent wire
Glow for the female of the species,
turn on the AC and the DC
This night could use a little brightnin',
light up, you little ol' bug of lightnin'
When you gotta glow, you gotta glow, glow little glow-worm, glow


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